[140-word story creation] Let's break up!

Write down a true story, a heartache story~
murat_akdogan / 24 images

On your birthday tomorrow, I will make your favorite chocolate cake by hand. After a busy night, the aroma of the rich cake wafts from the oven, and it is filled with your favorite strawberries. I can't wait to deliver it to you and look forward to your smile.

At the birthday party, you are still as beautiful as ever, looking forward to your smile, but looking forward to breaking up with me without looking back, you say we should break up! It turns out that the pain in my heart is so painful. Three years of sweetness are like a lifetime away. How can I bear it?

"140 words"

Thank you for the [140-character story creation] by @宮Mami Tingting , everyone, let's get up and play word games!

Sue five people "It's Not Easy"


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si薰金融業的我 斜槓人生 面對未來,換一種心情 面對工作,换一種思維 面對自己,誠實以對 面對別人,輕鬆以對 新的年度,新的目標
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