Mo Liu's "Slow Sound • Floating Clouds"

Floating clouds, the solitary and beautiful that do not eat fireworks. but,

Untouchable, his unruly soul.

The wind took away the nebula,

Forget the stars in the sky:

It's you, the tears.

Bustling, coming and going, all beings,

Why not, I have experienced that moment of sunshine, and momentary rain.

Maybe the island is submerged in the noise, the clear sky, the laughter, the stars may fall in the shouting, staring, dark abyss, but I will always wait, waiting for you in the dim light.
  • Creation theme: Slow sound • Floating clouds
  • Creative Implication/Background Introduction: This is an experimental poem.
  • Creator: Mo Liu
  • Creation time: July 14, 108

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