Pregnancy Notes EP04 ∣ Vitality--- by Ashu

See God's amazing creation

keep it mysterious

In Hong Kong, mothers entering 10 weeks will definitely do "non-invasive fetal DNA prenatal screening", namely Nifty Pro/Safe T21 Standard/Safe T21 Advance. Because of these 3 tests, Safe T21 Advance can detect more genetic diseases, chromosomal and subchromosomal abnormalities. Therefore, under the arrangement of the doctor, I had blood drawn on the 6th of the 10th week to do this test, and this test can not only screen out the genetic problems of some babies, but also detect the baby's gender. The inspection result will be known in about a week, the fee is HKD 6800, plus the inspection fee.

Aga and I were looking forward to reporting the results this week, and the doctor called us 5 days after my blood was drawn.

Just when we were thinking about revealing the baby's gender, the doctor told us that because the amount of baby's DNA contained in my blood was insufficient (about 8%), therefore, the baby's gender could not be detected. So the doctor advised me to draw blood again after 2 weeks to find out the baby's gender. Although Aga and I don't care about the gender of the baby, we still have a curiosity in our hearts. Fortunately, in this test, the baby's physical condition is not abnormal, which is the biggest hope in my heart and Ajiao.


lively little baby

On the day of Safe T21 Advance, the doctor also made regular check-ups for the baby. Although it was only 3 weeks since the last prenatal check-up, this time, the baby's head, body, hands and feet were clearly seen (the head and hip length was 43.36 mm). Hardly any moment is static. Seeing this silent, but bouncing baby, let me know that he is trying to grow up every day in order to meet me and Aga.

Thank you baby for choosing me and the Ajia family, so that I and Ajia have more common experiences and memories. To be honest, I am really grateful to have Aga’s company and care all the time, which makes me feel happy and carefree. I really hope that the baby can bring more and more love to Aga in the future, so that there will be more people in the world who value Aga and love Aga. Of course, Aga and I will also strive to be a safe haven for the baby.


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