Wall Dong Shanghai eldest sister


By Fellini

The eldest sister's voice is like manganese steel, the speed of speech is even, not so firm but also cold. I guess Yi has a well-proportioned body and is not tall - in our school days, such girls were often called by us: little steel guns.

It is indeed a small cannon. Just this morning. The 20-minute phone call recording of this small steel cannon awakened the Shanghainese who had just woken up from the silent morning light again from their dreams.

In this extravagant morning when there is only time left, countless Shanghainese must be like me, listening to the audio of the eldest sister in a second. This may not be the HSK listening test with the largest number of Chinese people taking it at the same time, but it will be unforgettable for me.

The hotline naturally has its own answering rules, but the eldest sister said something outside the rules, which is the biggest reason for the screen refresh. This is also the core meaning of my article a few days ago: human life and human nature, at certain moments, are greater than the rules made by people themselves.

I will not do the analysis of the main points of the test questions. Those who can understand are already in a commotion, and those who do not understand will always have nothing to fear.

I just want to keep thinking about Miss Shanghai. After today, how can Yihui be?

Let’s talk about a joke. The story was written by Zhao Dan’s widow, Huang Zongying. It was said that in the 1950s, a few people from the literary and art circles went to see the big boss, and a bold person suddenly asked the boss: If Brother Xun lived to this day, what would Yihui would be? How can it be? The boss didn't shy away, and after thinking for a few seconds, he answered: "How can I do it? Either I can't help it clearly, or I shut it in and continue to write."

Of course, no one is going to Guan Dajie, but Guan Te is possible. When hiring people, the biggest possibility is that the eldest sister stays still, and the only way to keep Yi from ringing is to take care of the younger sister who answers the phone: don't ask your elder sister to answer the phone next time!

The eldest sister is forever, and the recording will be circulated forever.

I guess the eldest sister has a wealthy family.

In this world, some people rely on beauty to commit murder, while others rely on wealthy heroes. The solid confidence can indeed make people temporarily forget the cruelty of survival, which leaves a gap for Jiren. Knowing what is good and leading others to yearn for a better life is more worthy of our entrustment than a vicious person who just wants to roll in the bed of an imaginary young lady.

Of course, the most ideal entrustment is always without the hands of others.

The eldest sister is not a bony, she is just a spring that is pressed to the limit. Courage comes from the power of rebound, but it is more about the material of the spring itself. Knowing that she has been exposed to the danger of nuclear radiation, but still moving without deformation, this is not a choice that ordinary eldest sisters can make.

Hang another book bag and tell an ancient allusion. Assure to whoever this story is true and not made by me.

There is an idiom called "transporting the jins and cutting the nose", jin means an axe, and slashing means chopping or chopping. It is said that in ancient times, there was a person who often performed a unique skill - using white lime to point a white point on the tip of another person's nose, then swinging a sharp axe to quickly chop down, and then look at that person, the white spot on the tip of the nose has been wiped away by the axe, and the person is unharmed. Face does not change color. After a few years, everyone would never see this performance again, so someone asked the axe-playing red guy: Hey, my friend, how can Nong's skills disappear? The man said: Don't be silly, it's my partner who died, or why don't you try it?

Telling this story is a bit convoluted. What I want to say is that the little brother who made the call in the recording this morning is the role we should play as a routine. If a civil society wants to progress towards a civil society, we cannot do without our communication with relevant departments. Since this phone number and that phone number have been announced, it can be seen that the channels have also been opened up. The more you push harder, the more your eldest sister may admire you. You slammed the big sister, and the big sister has something to say.

It is not a one-sided matter of one person.

I'm an atheist, so I don't know who to thank at the moment. Or thank the elder sister.

Thank you eldest sister, you make me feel that Lao Zhang is not alone.


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