Pi Node Docker downloads over 100 million times ❗️Pi Official Telegram Channel 6 days million subscriptions❗️Over 900 million search results on Google , but the result...⁉️PiCoreTeam, Pi Network

Data can speak‼ ️ The subscription rate of Pi's official TG channel surpasses that of the most popular former US President Trump. Pi-Node-docker has accumulated more than 100 million downloads, more than 900 million search results on Google, more than 5 million wallets, and the number of authorized test nodes. More than 130,000, with more than 14,500 active nodes
Image Source DNSF.COM
 Content focus:
1) The popularity of Pi's first official TG channel surpasses that of former US President Trump 2) Pi Network has set a new record with more than 900 million search results 3) An engineer wants to prove that Pi is a scam, but the results are unexpected 4) Pi wallet is public Test the number of changes in one month. 5) The number of downloads of Pi Node Docker Image exceeded 100 million, with an increase of 500,000 to 1 million downloads every day. 6) @PiCoreTeam has become a SFBW sponsor for two consecutive years
8) Reasons for the high number of downloads of Pi Node Docker Image 9) Why is Pi Network not yet on the mainnet?
10) We made a brand new program Pi Browser
Pi Node Docker has 100 million downloads, and the official first TG channel of Pi has nearly one million subscriptions in a few days. The popularity of Pi Official Telegram Channel will soon surpass that of the most popular TG channel of US President Trump in history. It is estimated that it will take a few more days. It can be reached!
 @PiCoreTeam April 29 - 10:33am UTC
The Pi core team now has an official Telegram announcement channel that acts as an additional platform for news and updates. There is no official Pi Telegram chat room; use the Pi chat room here for discussions. Follow us on Telegram.
Although the search record for Bitcoin has also been refreshed, the Pi Network also continues to refresh the record, with more than 900 million search results on Google

Pi's first unofficial blockchain explorer, from an engineer who wanted to debunk that Pi Network was a scam, so he downloaded the Pi app, because from the beginning he didn't believe it was a blockchain project because he didn't see it Any Pi's public code, even consider ours Dr. Nicolas Kokkalis is also an invited actor, just for the purpose of defrauding advertising fees.

But when he entered the Pi app, he found that watching advertisements is optional. If the user does not authorize, the system will not send advertisements, and the advertisements are random. The chances of being able to watch the advertisements are actually very small, and there may be only a few chances to see the advertisements.

After that, he installed the Pi Node computer program, until he was authorized to officially read the Pi Node test chain data, and saw the Pi Node open source code on Docker and github. The codes involved in each update are listed. In order to facilitate reading the data on the Pi test chain, he made the first unofficial blockchain browser of Pi Network by disclosing the code through the Stellar blockchain browser.

Here are the engineer's contributions:

Set up the Pi testnet crawler and dashboard testnet search

- https://pi-blockchain.net/

You can search for addresses, transaction records and other information on the testnet blockchain. Testnet dashboard

- http://dashboard.pi-blockchain.net/

Presenting information such as the number of nodes in the entire test network, node distribution, etc.

The number of Pi wallets created and the number of test transactions from April 1st to April 28th, 2021 will be shared below. The mobile version of the Pi wallet will be open for public testing on April 9th. Pi Wallet Account & Transactions 1/4~28/4 2021 , Pi Network, Pi Node
Pi Wallet Account & Transactions 1/4~28/4 2021, Pi Node, Pi Network

The number of Pi wallets exceeds 5 million, the number of authorized test nodes exceeds 130,000, and the number of active nodes exceeds 14,500. Pi Node Docker has more than 100 million downloads and is growing at a rate of 500,000 to 1,000,000 per day. What message did it bring? share later

Pi Node Docker has been downloaded more than 100 million times❗️So I found Stellar Chain and Ethereum with the highest download times to compare with Pi Network and let everyone know how scary they are 😱

stellar/stellar-core, updated 295 versions in 6 years, with more than 500,000 downloads;
ethereum/client-go, updated 617 versions in 2 years, with more than 10 million downloads;
pinetwork/pi-node-docker, updated 12 versions in 11 months, more than 100 million downloads, and added 500,000 to 1 million downloads every day 📈
PiCoreTeam has participated and sponsored UC San Francisco Blockchain Week SFBW for two consecutive years: https://sfblockchainweek.io

San Francisco Blockchain Week : Excited for our sponsor @PiCoreTeam! Pi is a new social cryptocurrency, protected and supported by everyday people. Pi was developed by Dr. Stanford and can be easily mined on mobile phones with low financial cost and limited battery consumption.

Why is there only 130,000 Pi Node authorizations, but more than 100 million downloads, because everyone around the world who pays attention to San Francisco Blockchain Week and Stanford Blockchain Conference will be familiar with Pi Network, @PiCoreTeam has sponsored SFBW for two consecutive years, Dr. Nicolas Kokkalis himself chairs the Stanford Blockchain Conference.

The professor of the Department of Computer Science of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology led the students to participate in the Pi Network, the world's largest blockchain experiment [emphasis here! The following photos were taken 📸Before the amendments to the Mandatory Mask Wearing Regulation (Cap. 599I) passed by the Hong Kong government]

Professor of the Department of Computer Science of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology led the students to participate in the world's largest blockchain experiment Pi Network
Almost all universities in the world that teach blockchain participate in our test, and most developers in the entire blockchain industry participate in the world's largest test privately. Deducting the number of repetitions from the previous version to the current version, it is estimated that there are more than 50 million developers, students and professors of the blockchain department who are concerned about Pi around the world.

Here is a discussion on why Pi Network has not been launched on the main network yet?

@PiCoreTeam: We're not making money. We really want to change the world and reshape the financial system. We are here to realize the ultimate ideal of decentralized cryptocurrencies.

"I know someone who's been mining for over a year. I'm one of them. I understand it's a long way to go, but it takes time to build things right. It takes time to build a strong community of people. It takes time. Building an ecosystem system. We’re not here trying to build a quick [PUMP and DUMP] pump and dump cryptocurrency . It would be easier, but we’re not interested in that. We’re trying to create a long-term sustainable ecosystem.” ( Dr. Nicolas Kokkalis )

PiCoreTeam knows very well the Pump and Dump games used by other developers. Thanks to blockchain technology, it is easy to mint or create cryptocurrencies these days, so many developers l enter the cryptocurrency space by implementing In...Co...Offer...and Air... out of thin air. Some projects succeed, but most fail. For developers, it's an easy way to enter the world of cryptocurrencies, and for them, it's a quick payoff especially when their projects are successful.

But PiCoreTeam is not interested in this approach. The Pi core team said: "That would be easier, but we are not interested in that. We are trying to build a long-term sustainable ecosystem!" The Pi core team hopes to use the power of blockchain to help people realize their almost forgotten dreams, to realize the dream.

The purpose of starting Pi Network is not to make money, but to change the world

2017 was the year of technology for developers to enter the cryptocurrency space. Some projects that implemented airdrops such as SN and EOS were successful, but most of them failed. These are supply-oriented cryptocurrencies, and relying solely on controlling supply and scarcity does not always lead to value creation, as evidenced by the failure of many other cryptocurrencies in 2017 to focus exclusively on supply-oriented token models. When discussing the value of cryptocurrencies, people often start the discussion by focusing on supply and ignoring the other main variable in the equation for value: demand . For developers, it's an easy quick money tactic, and the Pi core team says: "We're not interested in that!"

We made a brand new program Pi Browser

Pi Browser is basically a new interface to the Pi Apps/Utilities platform . The purpose of the Pi Browser is to build a more open and direct Pi Utilities platform where developers can easily develop, test and deploy Pi Apps for Pioneers to try and use in the future. It's still primitive as a general-purpose browser tool, but it's the only browser that supports Pi apps. Currently, the browser is still in beta and more changes and features will be added in the future.

👉🏻 Pi Browser and Pi Wallet~ Pi Community Company

👉🏻 Pi Core Team Nicolas Kokkalis, Ph.D. answers some questions about Pi Wallet. Attach the Pi wallet application method

If you haven't joined Pi Network yet, join now! Create a blockchain project that belongs to everyone with us! Around the end of 2021, the Pi mainnet will go live, and the opportunity to earn Pi for free will soon disappear!
Remember: Free now, expensive in the future

Pi Network founder and technical lead Dr. Nicolas Kokkalis has long believed in the technical, financial and social potential of cryptocurrencies, but is frustrated by its current limitations. And is committed to bringing the power of blockchain to more people, improving the current experience, and creating value for everyone.

 So he turned the development process of new blockchains upside down by adopting a user-centric design philosophy. Released in the beta version, members are invited to join the network, and the protocol is iterated with members to decentralize the design results.
Dr Nicolas Kokkalis said: “The current result is Pi Network, a new currency and peer-to-peer network that is currently operating in over 150 countries and 30 languages. Pi Network is 100% of my professional commitment, and my My beloved wife and son take 100% of my personal commitment."
Invitation code: kyle2051

The Pi Network app can be searched in the Android PlayStore or Apple's App Store: PI NETWORK, free download , or download the Invitation code from the following link: kyle2051

iOS: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/pi-network/id1445472541

Android : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.blockchainvault

If you need a code, you can enter kyle2051 to join my team (use this code after the 4th day, 25% faster), you can contact me in my team chat room!

 Tip: You don't need to keep the Pi app open, the Pi won't affect phone performance or drain battery power or use network data. You can even close the app after pressing the lightning button and you'll keep mining the Pi. The mining of Pi will stop every 24 hours, press the ⚡️ lightning button once again, repeat every day until the end of the distribution

Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

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kyle2051加入Pi Network 區塊鏈革命!「我們不是在賺錢。我們真的想改變世界,重塑金融體系。我們在Pi Network 這裡實現分散式加密貨幣的最終理想。」PlayStore或AppStore可以搜尋Pi Network下載. 邀請碼為kyle2051。
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前Pi Core核心成員, DeFi Summit, DCENTRAL Conferences 的創辦人Justin Wu主持了一場Twitter空間線上會談

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