Photographing the World|A "Goddess", captured in eight years


The series "Zhu Fengjuan 2008-2015" by Shanghai-based artist Dai Jianyong originated from daily snapshots, and later evolved into an eight-year-old intimate narrative of contemporary women.

Who is Zhu Fengjuan? She is the joys and sorrows of ordinary women, she is not a model;

She is a record of the photographer's eyes observing life;

She is a time-stopper, a spectator as we celebrate the lives of women.

Dai Jianyong once said, "Zhu Fengjuan is not my model, but a part of my life."

He spent eight years recording the trivialities of her daily life under the camera. Only then did he show us a slightly shy, lively, sad, aggrieved and laughing Zhu Fengjuan, and he also let us realize the meaning of photography. what.

Before, I was very emotional about Yoko recorded by Nobuyoshi Araki, but Zhu Fengjuan recorded by Dai Jianyong gave me a different feeling.

Each image arouses the viewer's curiosity, making us think about the two people separated by the camera and their psychological state when they face each other.

This work consists of a series of portraits of Ms. Zhu Fengjuan. The feelings of intimacy, anger, happiness, and tiredness are all accumulated and presented to us scene by scene, vividly.

(The material of this article comes from the Internet)

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