Star Bomb Xiaowu_White Christmas

"When your teacher has to be arguing with you during class hours, the teacher is so nice."

White Christmas has always been one of my favorite Christmas songs.

Originally this year was a bit chaotic, and I didn't plan to record Christmas songs. One night K was practicing playing as usual, and I didn't know what I was doing in the living room, and unconsciously began to hum along with the piano.

K stopped and turned to ask, "Did you just sing?"
Or is the ghost calling? I rolled my eyes inwardly: "Of course! Who else could it be?"
"I'm just surprised you know this song 0.0a"
"White Christmas! I'm very good at it! Ah! Otherwise, why don't you record and sing for me?"

In this way, I began to provide the version with piano accompaniment by Lu K, and planned to record a festival congratulatory song. When I went to ukulele the next week, I was very happy to chat with the teacher about this story, and asked if there were any chords in the ukulele version.

"Of course there is!" Teacher Penny is like a wishing elf, changing the chords every other week!

I still remember that day was the second week of December, it was a bit too rushed to practice a new song, and at the same time I was practicing another "super difficult for me" Chinese pop song, so I got the White Christmas The day of the chords was simply no time to learn. In the last ten minutes of the class, Mr. Penny decided to play a chord, explain how to play, and let me go home and practice by myself. Because the playing method of this song will also be applied to the currently practiced song, putting White Christmas first will not affect the progress of the study.

The next morning, I arrested Xiao Wu to prepare for practice, only to find that things were very big. . . . .

What should I do if the chords are not smooth?

For the next week, I worked hard on chords, and recorded it with the teacher to confirm that I had not remembered the wrong way of playing, and K also handed me his performance at this time.

After I got the piano performance, I tried to play and sing with Xiaowu. I accidentally found that the sound of the piano could cover Xiaowu's flaws. I happily recorded another version for the teacher. After the teacher gave some pointers, he suggested that I could add a prelude and provide me with more suitable chords to upgrade the integrity of the song again.

K said with emotion: "When your teacher has to be quarreled by you after class, the teacher is also very nice."

certainly! My teacher Penny is the best! ^O^

As for the background image of the film, I didn't originally plan to put my own paintings, which is really a bit shy#0.0#

This stickman Merry Christmas was originally drawn purely for NFT, and I intend to give it to my good friends who support me. Therefore, the canvas is specially selected to be square. I want to say that it will look full on Opensea, which is more beautiful.

But after I started preparing to record White Christmas, I realized that the film also needs a background image. Having already drawn the line draft, I really don't want to do it all over again, so I bite the bullet and still finish this square doodle. Although there are still many flaws and flaws in this electropainting, I have begun to use the methods taught in electropainting courses to colorize in layers. Coupled with @Carol.W Teacher Carol's tireless suggestions and suggestions, there has finally been a slight change from the full-page monochrome graffiti in kindergarten. Thank you Karou for being quarreled with me until midnight. Even the color and font of the dynamic subtitles have to bother me, ah, ah, a lot~~ (Blowing kisses~

I will use this song as my study on Xiaowu and Dianhua this year. I wish everyone a happy Christmas and a happy new year ^O^

PS: There are thank you star coins , and once supported the star 's oil, the stars will directly insert this " video-type NFT " to your address, you don't need to leave it again ^O^

PPS: Fortunately, Karou reminds me that I forgot to participate in Xiaoyu's activities! @林宇小宇~~~ I have submitted the papers! ^O^

Merry Christmas ^O^


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