How to judge whether a mobile phone number is auspicious or not!

Super Tyong 超级勇
Feng Shui fortune-telling: predict good and bad luck with your mobile phone number, know your fate first and then change your fortune

Feng Shui fortune-telling: predict good and bad luck with your mobile phone number, know your fate first and then change your fortune

Recently , many people have asked: Can I know what happened to me in the past by looking at my mobile phone number, birth chart, and license plate number? What will happen to me in the future? Is my wealth, marriage, and health good or bad?

The most important thing is, if my luck is bad, can changing my mobile phone number turn my luck around and make me rich?

In fact, a mobile phone number itself is neither good nor bad, nor auspicious or inauspicious. It depends on whether the magnetic field state of the user is suitable or not. To put it bluntly, whether it is suitable for the user's current time and space point.

For example: Is it good to rain?

Some masters will tell you that rain is very good, because it nourishes everything and the seedlings will thrive. Some masters also say that rainy days are very bad, because when you travel on rainy days, your vision is poor and your travel safety is affected.

In my personal experience, rain itself is neither good nor bad. It just depends on the time of rain, that is, the time and space point. The same goes for the various magnetic fields in the mobile phone number. There is no good or bad in itself. It depends on the magnetic field conditions of the user at the moment and whether the time and space points match. If there is a big difference, of course it is not good. If the matched mobile phone number numbers are very matching, it is very good, which is the state of "harmony between man and nature" as described in the Yijing.

Today, Teacher Wei Lingling will take you to understand them one by one.

First, let's get to know the digital magnetic field energy meter:

The level represents the strength of the magnetic field, for example, level 1 is the strongest and level 4 is the weakest.

There is a very important theory in the Book of Changes called

Theory of the Five Elements

Metal produces water, water produces wood, wood produces fire, fire produces earth

Metal overcomes wood, wood overcomes earth, earth overcomes water, water overcomes fire

Let's first look at the following figure comparing the innate Bagua numbers and the acquired Bafeng numbers:

The innermost circle is the numbers and five elements corresponding to the Xiantian Bagua

The outermost circle is the numbers and five elements corresponding to the Eight Diagrams.

The formula of Xiantian Bagua numbers:

Qian 1, Dui 2, Li 3, Zhen 4, Xun 5, Kan 6, Gen 7, Kun 8

The numbers of the Eight Trigrams of the Later Heaven, also known as the Luoshu:

Wear nine and step on one, three on the left and seven on the right, two and four are shoulders, six and eight are feet, and five is in the middle

This is the method I use. I use the innate numbers and the acquired numbers to deduce the five elements, and then compare them with the generation and restraint relationships to see what the eight groups of numbers are like:

1. Regarding the innate numbers of the Eight Trigrams, some people call them divine numbers, which are innate numbers at birth. Number 1 is Yang Metal; number 2 is Yin Metal; number 3 is Li Fire; number 4 is Yang Wood; number 5 is Yin Wood; number 6 is Kan Water; number 7 is Yang Earth; number 8 is Yin Earth.

2. Regarding the five elements of the eight-star magnetic field, Tianyi is earth, Yannian is gold, Shengqi is earth, Jueming is gold, Wugui is fire, Huohai is earth, and Liusha is water. Jueming gold here is the gold of killing, while Yannian gold is the gold of strength, Tianyi earth is the earth of making money, and Huohai earth is the earth of burial.

The following is a table of five-element life and death analysis made with the post-natal Bagua numbers. Please have a look:

The following is the relationship between the numbers and the five elements of the four auspicious stars:

As you can see, among all the numbers without the four auspicious stars, there are more benefits than harm.

The following is the relationship between the numbers and the five elements of the four evil stars:

This one has more suppression than production.

The principle of judging the five elements of the mobile phone number magnetic field

Excluding the first three, the next eight are the main ones. Through the analysis of the five elements of the eight-star magnetic field or the five elements of the eight trigrams of the innate number, two points are positioned to find the most prosperous and outstanding five elements. The five elements of the eight-star magnetic field take precedence over the five elements of the eight trigrams of the innate number. The later the number or magnetic field is, the more priority it has.

After the analysis, let me make a summary:

The innate Bagua is the body, and the acquired Bagua is the function, so I use the acquired Bagua numbers combined with the Five Elements analysis.

Confucius said in the Book of Changes: "Thus, the Taiji gave birth to the two opposites, the two opposites gave birth to the four images, the four images gave birth to the eight trigrams, the eight trigrams determined good and bad luck, and good and bad luck gave birth to great deeds."

The Book of Changes says: Yi has Taiji, which gives birth to two opposites, two opposites give birth to four images, four images give birth to eight trigrams

The Tai Chi giving birth to two opposites here is what Taoism says: Tao gives birth to one, one gives birth to two, and three gives birth to all things.

Tai Chi is formed by one and two, that is, the Tai Chi of mankind at the beginning is derived from numbers. So this is the fundamental reason why numbers have energy and magnetic field.

So, the question is, how do you choose a mobile phone number that suits you?

First, let’s look at the misunderstandings of everyone’s number selection:

Myth 1: Choosing a mobile phone number means choosing a lucky number

Explanation: In fact, auspicious stars are not necessarily auspicious, and unlucky stars are not necessarily unlucky. It mainly depends on the combination method and the position of the numbers in the mobile phone number after the combination.

Myth 2: Bomb numbers and three consecutive numbers are best

Myth 3: It’s bad to have 4 in your phone number

Explanation: After learning about the energy of numbers, we should understand that it is not the number 4 that is bad because it sounds like “death”, but rather that the number 4 is bad only when combined with inappropriate numbers.

Myth 4: The mobile phone number only contains the wealth digit

Explanation: It is still a question of not overdoing anything, otherwise negative effects will appear.

When faced with life issues such as wealth, career, love, health, friends, etc., it is easy to make radical choices. But in the eyes of the teacher, balance is the truth. Here are some digital combinations of different magnetic fields so that you can choose according to your actual situation:

About Wealth

1. Digital magnetic field of the way to make money:

1. Angry + Tianyi: A noble person helps you make money (931, 413 are included in the mobile phone number)

2. Yannian + Tianyi: Your career helps you gain wealth (913, 431 are included in your mobile phone number)

3. Jueming + Tianyi: Investing or running around to make money (the mobile phone number contains 213, 968)

4. Disaster + Heavenly Doctor: You can make money just by speaking (231, 713 are included in the mobile phone number)

2. Digital magnetic field of money spending:

1. Tianyi + Guiren: After making money, you will be very generous to your friends.

2. Tianyi + Liusha: Earn money and spend it on family or women

3. Tianyi + Yannian: Save or manage your money when you make it, never waste it

4. Tianyi + Jueming: Invest or spend the money you make, and you are particularly good at spending money.

About Investment

1. Investment array magnetic field:

1. Jueming + Tianyi: Made money through investment.

2. Tianyi + Jueming: Invest if you have money

3. Jueming + Yannian: Investing in finance, or buying a house

2. The impact of numbers 0 and 5 on investment:

0 represents passive and hidden; 5 represents active and visible.

About marriage

1. Positive peach blossom magnetic field:

Angry + Tianyi: A friend introduces you to a marriage partner.

Tianyi + Tianyi: Tianyi represents true peach blossom. Two true peach blossoms represent the possibility of marriage.

2. Peach Blossom Magnetic Field:

Liusha Water represents peach blossom and also represents the energy of peach blossom magnetic field.

The following numbers make for an unfavorable marriage:

1. Six evil spirits + five ghosts: women are very smart

2. Six evil spirits + disaster: women are good at talking

3. Liusha + Fuwei: Continuous

4. Jueming + Fuwei + Wugui: Extremely smart

About Health

1. Reduce the occurrence of repeated or overlapping numbers:

For example: 131, 153, 1553, 1003, 1333, 13111

Health also requires balance. Too much is as bad as too little. Too much money may cost you your life.

2. Try to use some longevity gold number combinations

19, 87, 43, 26, 91, 78, 34, 62

Explanation: Yannianjin means that you know how to manage your wealth, how to control yourself, and how to maintain yourself. You also work hard, have a strong sense of career, and are active. Exercise will make you healthier, and knowing how to manage your wealth will also make you better at living.

3. Try to use fewer harmful earth number combinations

17, 98, 64, 32, 71, 89, 46, 23

About official luck

1. Shengqi + Yannian: noble people help, easy to get promoted

2. Tianyi + Yannian: making money by investing, making money by managing finances, these are all manifestations of having a bossy style.

3. Yannian + Wugui: indicates changes in career or work.

4. Jueming+Fuwei+Yannian: represents being clever.

About academics

Angry + Longevity + Angry


Angry Wood (noble person): represents the joy of studying, and also represents the help of classmates, teachers and parents.

Yannianjin (Career): It represents knowing why to study and knowing how to learn.

During the study period, you should have the following magnetic field:

Tianyi Earth (wealth): Because Tianyi represents emotions, your studies will be affected by falling in love.

Life-threatening Gold (Investment): Although you study hard, you don’t know how to grasp the key points. It’s hard to learn but you don’t get any results.

About connections:

1. Angry + Tianyi: A noble person brings wealth, for example: 413, 149, 768, 672

2. Angry + Longevity: A noble person will help you get promoted, for example: 419, 678

3. Angry + desperate: A noble person asks you to spend money or invest, for example: 412, 673

4. Shengqi + Fuwei: Many noble people, for example: 411, 141, 451

The magnetic field of the villain's verbal offense:

Harmful earth magnetic field:

17, 98, 64, 32, 71, 89, 46, 23


157, 751, 859, 958, 654, 456, 352, 253

1711, 8988, 6464, 3232, etc.

Generally speaking, the longer we use our mobile phone number, the greater the impact it will have. In fact, it is just like living in a house. The longer you live in it, the greater the impact the feng shui of the house will have on you.

Our fate is predetermined and cannot be changed, but our fortune can be changed. This is why the digital Feng Shui magnetic field in our mobile phone numbers can help us improve our luck and fortune.

Life is like driving a car.

To constantly adjust the direction according to the navigation,

In order to reach the destination most conveniently and quickly.

Please continue to follow Wei Lingling's Yixuetang, which will help you accurately interpret the wealth, career, health, love, personality, noble people, etc. in your mobile phone number, and adjust your fortune through the I Ching and Feng Shui to help you have good luck in your life.


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Super Tyong 超级勇大家好,我是Tony,网名是 Super TYong,我是一位Youtube创作者,我也是一名 USANA 合伙人,營養知識分享。請大家多多指教
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