[Sienna] The first live-action version of Hua Deng|The strange woman who is more dramatic than drama

不自由 毋寧死
In a world of gold and money, she maintains optimism and the bright side of humanity, as well as moving ideals...  

The craze for the lanterns faded away quickly as the curtain ended, but Sienna's last ryokan hotel still existed symbolically. Why should a small shop that doesn't make money continue to operate? Sienna has a bigger ideal, and it is no exaggeration to say that she is a preacher in the hotel industry. She has been promoting it in her own way, hoping that the government will face up to the rights and interests of hotels and sex workers. Therefore, it can also be said that Hua Deng was born because of Sienna.

Accepting the arrangement of life, Sienna is optimistic and loves her career

Sienna has hopelessly altruistic cells. She was in debt when she was young because she was a direct seller of essential oils. Later, on a trip to France, she found that essential oils were not as beneficial as they said on the Internet. , She decided to help all her friends return the goods. She bought all the ones that had been opened at half price. In this way, she owed her first card debt with the "borrowing money-free card" that killed people. With a huge debt of tens of millions, in order to repay the card debt, Sienna took the road of the hotel.

Sienna is not ashamed of her profession. Even though she had some bad experiences when she worked undercover in Japan and Australia, she was optimistic by nature and said:

"I only remember good things."

Taking the responsibility of maintaining the culture of life and taking care of hotel employees as its own responsibility

She has been in the hotel industry for many years. From the young lady to the mother, the more she is in the hotel industry, the more she has a sense of responsibility: she wants to know more about the hotel culture, and let the hotel industry develop positively, not An unseen job.

To this end, she established the Tiaotong Business Circle Development Association in 2016. In 2017, she proposed to hold the "Tiaotong Art Season" to let "Living Water" enter the Tiaotong business circle and let more young people know about the Tiaotong culture. When the epidemic broke out in 2020, she organized the Taipei City Entertainment Public Relations Economic Professional Union to help the economically disadvantaged hotel employees by providing a guided tour of the business district. In 2021, the epidemic entered the third-level control, and during the five-month period when the hotel was unable to operate, she turned her hotel into a material relay station and distributed the materials to the hotel staff who did not work.

Sienna's high volume is not for her own use

Sienna also became popular during the first stage of Hua Deng. She was interviewed and reported by major print media, and stories about her can be found on the Internet. Even several well-known podcast programs, such as Wu Danru and Huang Dami, have visited her. After Sienna has a voice, she does not use the voice to create her own interests. She is even more committed to letting the public know about the hotel because of the sound. With Tiaotong Culture, we have long hoped that this industry can be recognized as legal by the government, so as to protect the rights and interests of employees.

So far, Sienna said that many of the things she has done are losing money, including her transformation and founding of the Catcher Lab, which is also losing money, and was educated on the spot by Wu Danru, who is very careful. However, Sienna seems to be able to adapt to the pressure of debt, and she feels that it is worthwhile to be happy.

True temperament revealed in interviews

In the latest episode of Wu Danru's interview, Sienna mentioned that one of her Japanese guests was also her noble Mr. Talent. Finally, Wu Danru asked Sienna to say what she wanted to say to Caiye, and Sienna collapsed directly. Crying, listening, listening, I couldn't help but my eyes were red.

Inspirations from Sienna

I am very impressed with Sienna's story, because I looked down on my job for a period of time and hated the entire civil service ecology and environment, so I started the process of wanting to escape from the civil service. However, Sienna is not affected by those dark sides under the stubborn and scheming hotel culture, she always sees the bright and beautiful human side, so she loves her work and career, and when it is fading fight for it.

I hope that one day, I can also fall in love with my job; if I leave the civil service one day, it is not because of escape, but because of gratitude.


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