Single-episode podcast~What should I do if my career is lost?

How are you working lately? How to get out of this big maze?

In fact, I had never listened to Podcast before participating in the community activity of "Single Podcast", and I don't know what this is about? Isn't it the same as listening to the radio? The melody of "Good Things Network 989 bestradio" also appeared in XDD's mind~~

Taking advantage of the commute time the day before yesterday, I clicked on KKBOX and picked a podcast to listen to it. There was the same music at the beginning, the main dialogue in the middle, and the music at the end, but the overall sound was more comfortable than the radio, at least Not too much noise and advertising, not bad! Perfect for passing the time while resting your eyes

After listening to it for a few times, I saw the channel " How are you working recently? ". The content of the channel mainly talks about the big and small things when you are confused and confused about work/life. I am not lost, I am very impressed, I recommend it to everyone today~

Single episode link: [Who's career is not lost #1] I have a lot of questions about myself, how can I get out of such a maze?

The guests in this episode are mainly to invite amateurs. From the experience sharing of the amateurs, the glamorous and bright of the successful people is missing, which makes people feel closer to the hearts of ordinary people, and during the conversation, the amateurs will also share their original feelings about career confusion. What are the ways that she and her are exploring career methods? I think there are some practices that are worth referring to. The following highlights are for you~

Key point 1: Explore on your own (talk to yourself)

1. First screen out the work you don’t want to do (delete method)

2. According to one's own personality traits, ex. hope to communicate with people or hate to communicate with people to find a more suitable job nature

The second point: observation

1. What are the things that are more likely to arouse your attention or interest in the process of normal work? Ex. I hope to know how the business is sold in order to get a large order, which means that you can be interested in sales.

2. What kinds of things might you find boring?

Key point 3: One-on-one career counseling

1. If you can’t do the first two points yourself or you can’t detect them yourself, you can ask others to help you explore your interests, expertise, etc. through one-on-one career counseling.

2. The one-on-one consultation will not ask you about work at the beginning. It will first understand your own personality, personality, living habits, etc., and guide you to explore yourself through chatting. Maybe in the process of chatting, She can also find a direction suddenly. As an amateur said, she immediately knew what job she was looking for after the first chat, and soon after the second consultation, she could discuss how to get an offer.

Anyway, I recommend everyone to listen to this episode~
It made me realize that if I can't do it myself, I can try to seek professional help, especially fresh graduates. I can use the school resources to chat with the specialists in the counseling room while I am in school. Going for career counseling must cost a fee, and I don’t know if it’s expensive ><


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甄筱~歡迎互拍~ 生活中不能沒有故事,喜愛各種腦補、分享、閱讀
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