100 ways to save money, teach you how to save money! (Four)

Haha, the original article is actually an article I wrote two years ago on my own website "Uncle Savvy Numbers Guide". Now I forward it to share with you. I hope you like it! :)

100 Ways to Save Money (61 – 80)

61, inflate tires

For every two PSI of tire pressure below the recommended level, your mileage will decrease by 1%, which means you'll use more gas. Most people's car tires are 5 to 10 PSI lower than normal, so you can improve your gas mileage by 5 percent simply by inflating your tires.

62, planting plants

Gardening is also an inexpensive hobby. You just need to buy some seeds, soil, and a pot to start growing at home, and you can also grow some cooking ingredients for yourself, such as herbs, scallions, bean sprouts, and basil.

63, use free public facilities

Hong Kong has many free public facilities, ranging from major country parks to fitness facilities downstairs at home. All major outdoor sports fields, basketball courts, football fields, etc. are free to enter. Doing more exercise is not only good for the body and mind, but most importantly, it is free.

64. Buy a fuel-efficient car

If you must buy a car for transportation, try not to buy a car with too high horsepower, because it generally consumes a lot of fuel. Before buying a car, it can also be helpful for you to search for information online or ask friends who are familiar with cars for their opinions.

65, cut your own hair

I know this is almost impossible for many people, but as long as you are willing to take the first step, it is not that difficult. I myself did not go to a barber shop for three years in a row. I only used an electric razor and two mirrors. You can start with the simplest lower cut like me (the hair on the left and right sides are shortened and the hair on the top of the head is covered). For girls with long hair, it should be even simpler, just cut the ends of the hair short.

66, carpooling

If you and your friends or neighbors who live nearby work in the same area, you might as well suggest to them that you share a taxi to work every day and split the fare equally. This can save fares and time. I also tried teasing three strangers who were waiting in line together to take a taxi to the subway station because I couldn't wait for the bus at the bus stop. This is better than waiting endlessly.

67. Develop a reward and punishment system for yourself to pay off your debts

Follow the debt schedule to pay off debts, formulate a reward and punishment mechanism, and strictly implement it. For example, if you can successfully pay off a debt according to the schedule, you will reward yourself with a rich dinner out. If you cannot keep up with the schedule, you will punish yourself by not being able to eat out for two weeks and having to cook for yourself. Only by paying off your debts as early as possible can you truly reduce your financial pressure.

68. Buy a pressure cooker/slow cooker

Pressure cookers/slow cookers not only save you a lot of time, but they are also very energy efficient. You only need 5 minutes to put all the ingredients into the pressure cooker, and a delicious dish will be ready in a few hours, saving you time and gas bills.

69. Check the furniture monthly for simple maintenance

Monthly inspection of furniture and simple maintenance can effectively extend the service life of furniture. In fact, it is very simple. Add lubricating oil to the higher parts of doors and windows, check whether the screws of furniture, tables and chairs are loose, and tighten the screws. Don’t wait until the furniture breaks down and you have to spend money to buy new ones before you regret it.

70, buy daily necessities on sale in bulk

For frequently used daily necessities, you can purchase large quantities at one time, especially when the products are on sale. For example, consumables such as toilet paper, laundry detergent, and baby diapers are all necessary anyway. You can buy more and keep them at home for slow use.

71, Take some food with you when traveling

When traveling abroad, you don’t have to spend money on eating out for every meal. You can bring some food, such as bread and biscuits, to reduce some of the travel expenses. However, please note that certain foods are not allowed into certain countries. For example, you cannot bring fruits into Australia. You should check the food import regulations of the destination country before departure.

72. Find an internet provider with a cheaper monthly fee

Whether it is a mobile phone network or a broadband network at home, always check your data usage and monthly fee plan. If you find that you are not fully utilizing your data usage, switch to a cheaper low-usage monthly fee plan. As for the wideband network at home, generally speaking, new customers will have a more favorable price than existing customers for renewal. So when your home wideband network contract is about to expire, pay attention to the welcome offers of other network providers. Generally, If the price is lower than your renewal price, then change to another network provider.

73. Pay attention to the promotions of loan companies and banks.

When you need a loan, in addition to paying attention to the best interest rates of each financial institution, you can also check loan discounts and promotions. Some even provide instant cash rebates, allowing you to save even more.

74, Don’t buy a new car

As mentioned before, a car is something that depreciates, it does not bring you any monetary benefit, and it is still costing you money. But if you need a car for transportation, you can consider buying a second-hand car to reduce costs. The premise is that you need to know how to choose a good second-hand car and ensure that the parts are running smoothly. Ask friends who know about cars for their opinions.

75. Make good use of library resources

Public libraries are free and available in every district. Don't just think of the library as a place to borrow books, because in addition to borrowing books, you can learn a foreign language at the library, use a computer to surf the Internet, borrow CDs or DVDs, get free local newspapers, and follow community events. And best of all, it doesn't cost you any money.

76, use a simple razor

Use a simple razor instead of buying an expensive electric razor. I even take the free razors provided by hotels with me when I travel and use them at home, and now I have a lot of them at home. Why would you spend a thousand dollars to solve a problem that can be solved for free?

77. Use the people or things around you to always be cautious about yourself.

Use people or things around you to remind yourself that you should always maintain a good financial attitude. For example, when you see your children, you will think of quitting smoking for their health, thereby saving money to buy cigarettes. You will also think of raising funds for their future college education to encourage you to save now; when you see your wife, you will think of Retire early and spend more time with her, thus becoming your motivation to work hard to make money and not squander it. Keep their photos in your wallet and remind yourself to stick to them.

78. Understand the resources and benefits provided by the company

There are many companies that offer resources and benefits to their employees that you should take advantage of. Some companies will provide medical benefits, and you can apply for full support for outpatient visits. There are also some jobs that provide housing rental subsidies. Some offices also provide free snacks and drinks such as coffee or tea.

79. Make your own cleaning supplies

In fact, you can make your own cleaning supplies instead of buying them, which are healthier and less expensive. General cleaning products contain chemical ingredients, which may have adverse effects on the skin if used for a long time. You can make your own detergent from natural ingredients, such as mixing 1:1 baking powder and hot water at 70-80 degrees Celsius, which can be used to remove oil stains; lemon and edible baking powder can be used to remove scale.

80, Recommended cheap activities for gathering with family and friends

When family and friends get together, proactively suggest cheap activities to replace their plans. For example, you could suggest watching a DVD at your home instead of going to the theater to watch a movie; cooking at home instead of going to an expensive restaurant for dinner; playing table games and chatting; or watching a live football game on TV instead of spending all your money on outings for entertainment. Of course, occasionally you have to cater to them and go out and spend money, otherwise you may lose all your friends.

Next time I will continue to introduce you to other money-saving methods, so stay tuned! !


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橄欖泥一個平凡的香港"中佬",興趣是省錢、健身、唱歌、吃喝玩樂。曾經到澳洲working holiday生活兩年,遇上了現任的台灣太太,從此生活變得不平凡。 我經營的部落格: https://gosaverhk.com/ 我的Facebook個人専頁: https://www.facebook.com/olivemudhk/
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