CookingED丨Xiangxi Salmon Tofu Soup

Simple. healthy. tasty. Cheap

Ingredients: Salmon bone, tofu, ginger slices, spring onion, Wanqian

Seasoning: salt, sugar, soy sauce, Shaoxing wine, black peppercorns

-Cut the salmon bones into small pieces, wash them with salt

-Print the dried salmon bones with kitchen paper, add a little salt and wine to remove the fishy smell

-Slice ginger, green onion, and wanqian (spare)

- Heat the oil in a pan, fry the ginger slices, put the salmon bones in the pan, fry both sides until golden brown

-Next handful of black peppercorns, a little soy sauce and Shaoxing wine

- Add water and bring to a boil, add salt, sugar and soy sauce to taste

- Turn to low heat and cook to taste, add small pieces of tofu

- Lastly add Wanqian to enhance the fragrance before serving

Simple and delicious ^^


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