[Tasting record] Made from a whole fresh pineapple by Pu Yaochai and dried pineapple

The record this time is high-quality wood-fired dried pineapples. This product really impressed me. Their pineapples are directly dried without seasoning, but they are sweet enough and delicious, and they can be eaten as soon as they are opened. Done.

The record this time is high-quality wood-fired dried pineapples. This product really impressed me. Their pineapples are directly dried without seasoning, but they are sweet enough and delicious, and they can be eaten as soon as they are opened. When it's over, I have to endure the desire to eat and take pictures first.

Made from a whole fresh pineapple, made from a whole fresh pineapple by Pak Chai-fired by the Big Farmers Alliance @ 食力foodNEXT‧The knowledge channel of truth-seeking

Pak Chow Chai Roasted Dried Pineapple
Pak Chow Chai Roasted Dried Pineapple
Pak Chow Chai Roasted Dried Pineapple

Flavor and aroma score Chew taste score Sweet and sour taste score:

I originally planned to eat it slowly as a dessert after a few days, but the aroma was so fragrant after opening it that I couldn't help but finish it all.

It really has an aroma similar to longan, and then you can eat the fiber of pineapple, but it will not be difficult to bite, and you will eat it one by one quickly.

And it's not too sweet for me, maybe because it's made with pineapple itself, without candied sugar, the sweetness of their pineapple itself can be just sweet enough.

Pak Chow Chai Roasted Dried Pineapple

Packaging Design Score:

The outer packaging is quite pleasant. The small icon of the pineapple is very cute. The texture similar to the kraft paper bag + the front transparent makes consumers feel at ease and can see the contents.

Overall, it is a highly recommended product.

Pak Chow Chai Roasted Dried Pineapple

There is a description on the trial application page of Shili: "made from a 2-pound pineapple", this will give people a good impression, and they will unconsciously realize and imagine that a whole pineapple is from the hands of the farmer to the research and development. The process of drying pineapples, I think the official website of Pineapple Pineapples can actually put this information on the page of drying pineapples (it was so delicious that I couldn't help but check it out), and the producers and developers took the raw materials of the products. The smile photo, this one also gives a good impression of the product.

To be honest, I rarely come into contact with dried fruit products, so applying for a trial is because I have a good impression on that page, so I applied, and it has nothing to do with my preferences.

In any case, I think it's really great to develop such a product in the agricultural field, so that the crops can prolong the preservation value, and it is easier to circulate to other channels to buy and sell.

Product official website:


https://www.puyupineapple.com/product/%e6%9f%b4%e7%87%92%e9%87%91%e9%91%bd%e9%b3%b3%e6%a2%a8%e4 %b9%be/


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心事欲言卡 開箱紀錄 2022.03.09

