Weekly inventory of annual leave writing data

The year of the tiger is about having a tiger
photo by Cathy Tsai

The data this time is 2022/1/10 to 2022/1/29

First of all, as usual, I would like to thank the top ten fans for their continued attention. This is not a general election, so don’t be under pressure:

Secondly, Top 5 articles with reading time:

  1. The main points of the homework for the development of the giant baby in the hands to parents
  2. Because of "this matter", I have no worries about giving red envelopes to my children during Chinese New Year.
  3. I'm going to sell myself again, this year's first travel history lecture
  4. [Fantasy] If, now I want to go back to my hometown for Chinese New Year......
  5. Earn 600,000, laugh crazy!

Next is the number of clapping hands Top5:

  1. The main points of the homework for the development of the giant baby in the hands to parents
  2. I'm going to sell myself again, this year's first travel history lecture
  3. Earn 600,000, laugh crazy!
  4. Because of "this matter", I have no worries about giving red envelopes to my children during Chinese New Year.
  5. [Fantasy] If, now I want to go back to my hometown for Chinese New Year......

Finally, the number of supported Top5:

  1. The main points of the homework for the development of the giant baby in the hands to parents
  2. I'm going to sell myself again, this year's first travel history lecture
  3. The big river drama in the north: I read "Heilongjiang: Seeking the Historical Footprints of Emperors, Soldiers, and Explorers, and Wandering the Mysterious River on the Border of the East Asian Empire"

Finally, the number of favorites Top3:

  1. The main points of the homework for the development of the giant baby in the hands to parents
  2. The big river drama in the north: I read "Heilongjiang: Seeking the Historical Footprints of Emperors, Soldiers, and Explorers, and Wandering the Mysterious River on the Border of the East Asian Empire"
  3. Because of "this matter", I have no worries about giving red envelopes to my children during Chinese New Year.

Summary: There is no suspense in the parenting rules of giant babies to become the biggest winner of this inventory. Maybe everyone wants to raise them (oh), or they don’t want to raise them, so they should be collected and reviewed at any time. I wish everyone the Year of the Tiger to come out of the cage!


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

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蔡凱西Cathy Tsai | 蔡凱西 台北人 / 不專業旅人 / 流浪中的學術人 / 研究旅行史與旅行文化的不良歷史學徒/《後綴》假掰文青誌編輯群 在出門旅行、閱讀,與作古的旅記文本中持續穿越 佛系粉專:https://www.facebook.com/travelhistorystory 合作邀約:misiaa2001@gmail.com
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