An article that inspired me | silm's wait

The reason why I am particularly touched by this article is because I have worked hard to learn in recent years to imagine myself as an audience in the process of waiting, quietly watching the whole thing happen, life or death, joy or sorrow, it is all life Repertoire, when you are sad, you shed some tears, and when you are happy, you laugh three times. Isn't life like this?

There is a lot of "waiting" in human life. The process of waiting is like cooking a dish. The various tastes of ups and downs will be presented differently according to the situation and personal mood at that time. After I read silm's "Waiting" article, it stimulated my understanding of waiting, and sorted out some waiting experiences.

As the author said:

"Waiting is an extremely tenacious motif. Audiences of all ages will have their own work. The protagonists are different, the stories they experience are different, and even the definitions of waiting are different, but they all watched it, and then I like it, it makes people think about it when they are quiet, and then they will feel that there is some profound meaning in it."

What is this era waiting for? A great statesman, a masterpiece that inspires the soul of life, or a revolution that subverts the current social order? Each ethnic group may have different expectations, and it is the torment of waiting before the expectations are realized. In the process of suffering, some people persevere, and some people may give up. Those who persist may not necessarily wait for the fruit of their expectations to appear, and those who give up may also have new desires. So waiting is an indispensable spice that accompanies human history, and it creates the occurrence of many great stories of human beings. What will this era wait for? Maybe no one will know the answer until the long shot is slowly revealed.

In addition to the waiting of the times, personal waiting is also the life experience closest to us.

The author mentioned : "When a person starts to wait, he also doesn't know where the boundaries are. If there is hope, it cannot be pondered, and cannot be pondered carefully. In the night, under that lonely lamp, who can predict a lifetime?"

Waiting is to welcome the unknown, whether it is as small as we wait for our friends to arrive, or as large as we expect the epidemic to end quickly, there are more or less uncertainties and unknowns. Because of uncertainty, there will be anxiety, and mood will rise and fall as the situation develops. When I was a fire sign, I was impatient to wait, so I always wanted to solve things quickly, hoping to get the results as soon as possible, so I missed a lot. As I got older, I slowly realized that there are many things that you can't do and can't predict except waiting. A lot of times, if I had waited a little longer, the ending would have been very different.

While waiting, mentality is also very important, which may be one of the most difficult homework in life.

At the end, the author mentioned "waiting, maybe. People who are waiting, don't forget warmth, don't think that waiting is loneliness, it is patience. People who are waiting, don't forget, the pursuit and return of life sometimes need to be quiet. , patiently searching and thinking.”

The art of waiting is a lifelong course. The inner warmth mentioned by the author is very important. Only when the inner heart can be warmed, waiting is not suffering or anxiety. The most difficult waiting is the expected result of loss. Although it has not happened yet, I know in my heart that the most undesired situation will happen. At this time, if you have warmth in your heart and can penetrate the gains and losses and impermanence of life, you can get through this hardship.

The reason why I am particularly touched by this article is because I have worked hard to learn in recent years to imagine myself as an audience in the process of waiting, quietly watching the whole thing happen, life or death, joy or sorrow, it is all life Repertoire, when you are sad, you shed some tears, and when you are happy, you laugh three times. Isn't life like this?

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