Please be human (transcript)


德国 媒体 Die Zeit 在 2019 年 8月 这 这 名 为 为 Appeal to the youth: "Please people" 视频视频 不 长 分钟 5 的 的 , 四 老者 老者 的 当年 看 时候 其中 其中不少地方说得很好,所以花了点时间记下了完整的视频文本。内容如下:

Man A, Woman B, Woman C and Man D speak on the subject of an appeal to the youth.

A: Well, I still have a lot planned, but I've turned 80 now and I'm not under the illusion that I'll be able to catch up on all that.

B: I know very well that I will not live long and that I will eventually die. The boys then have their turn to continue what we once thought about. And they do. You can't imagine how happy that makes me.

C: That was the star I wore. (holding yellow star) And I was young. i wanted to live There were only two options: either you continue or you surrender. As a survivor, at 97 today, I still give readings against forgetting because it is up to you that it must never happen again. You must be the contemporary witnesses that we cannot be much longer. It's for democracy, which I value so much.

Notes: Margot Friedländer, 97 years old, Holocaust survivor. Her father, mother and brother were murdered by the Nazis. She herself hid in Berlin. In 1944 she was deported to the Theresienstadt concentration camp and survived.

D: I grew up in the GDR and as a teenager I was horrified to learn what National Socialism had done to people. When I was able to go back to school at the age of 16 after the end of the war, we had a teacher who tried to talk us into the new system. Finally, my question was: Shouldn't there be anything that is and remains valid? That motivated me to go down this path.

Notes: He experienced National Socialism, the GDR and the FRG. He was the first bishop of the Diocese of Magdeburg after reunification.

A: I was a legal advisor and attorney, but I also wanted to help change the world myself. I was one of those who had to fight against the vast majority of the population. We have been mocked, spat on and not taken seriously for many years. But we stuck with it and now see that this topic has reached the heart of society.

Notes: Hans-Christian Ströbele, 80 years old, lawyer and politician. He was deputy chairman of the Greens parliamentary group.

B: In 1979, all media featured images of Vietnamese so-called boat people who drowned in the South China Sea and were raped. You sat helplessly in front of it and didn't know what to do. Heinrich Böll said very clearly at the time that when a person is about to drown it is not a question of asking: Is he worth saving or not? You have to save him if you can.

Notes: Christel Neudeck, 76 years old sea rescuer. Together with volunteers, she rescued 11,300 Vietnamese refugees.

C: There is no Christian, Muslim or Jewish blood. There is only human blood.

D: Life must not be a path of selfishness.

C: You can't love everyone, but you can respect people

D: We are not alone in the world and we cannot make ends meet on our own. we need each other

C: I speak for all people who have been killed innocently. people, people did it. I don't want any of you ever to face anything like what we've had to go through.

D: I would like everyone to try to look behind the scenes: to ask themselves where from and where to go.

A: Question everything! All authorities around you, and then draw conclusions when changes are needed. If I were ten years younger and in better health than I was then, I would be at every demonstration.

B: I think I would be part of Fridays for Future too. I would not have expected this. That my generation of grandchildren will take to the streets and actually be able to put politicians under pressure.

D: I would wish for all young people not to give up hope

A: Don't get discouraged. You need staying power, you have to drill very thick boards for a long time.

B: Don't be scared by those who don't do anything but want to stop you from doing it.

A: It can take months, it can take years. Sometimes a lifetime is not enough for that.

C: What was, that was. We can no longer change that.

D: That is part of being human: that man is a questioner, remains a seeker. And notices and feels that there are many unanswered questions.

A: Everyone should resolve to stick with it.

C: It's for you, not for us. It's for you, please be humans.



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