[Is it good to stop thinking? Some decisions are best left to your unconscious mind. 】

Instead of actively making decisions, it is better to let go of doing other things after absorbing relevant information, and let the subconscious experience it better.

I don't know if you have had this kind of experience: sometimes you encounter a very difficult problem, and you can't think of an answer for a long time and can't solve it.

Just when you tried hard for a long time and decided to give up, after a few days you suddenly got inspired and quickly thought of the answer to solve the problem.

I often have this experience. Sometimes when running a simulation experiment, I often suddenly get stuck on a problem for the whole afternoon, and I have been trying different methods to no avail.

After trying it for a few days to no avail, I decided to do other things first, but soon I suddenly found the problem and successfully completed the experiment.

This is actually justified. The Dutch psychologist Huis proposed the "Theory of Unconscious Thinking":

Some decisions are best left to your unconscious mind to make. Instead of actively making decisions, it is better to let the subconscious mind experience it better after absorbing the relevant information and doing other things.

His research points out that awareness is required when making decisions that require strict rules, such as mathematical calculations. You have to obey the rules of mathematics to ensure correctness.

But when you're faced with a lot of information and multiple, ambiguous, and even conflicting conditions, there's really no way that consciousness can be resolved.

This requires more neural bandwidth in your brain to help you process more information and solve problems. It takes time and you free up your brain for these places to work.

Consciousness is like a computer that can execute carefully designed programs to solve a limited set of problems; but when it comes to complex problems, the unconscious mind is a huge potential data processing center.

【in conclusion】

It's also important to give your conscious brain time to rest. This will allow your unconscious shifts to organize the most complex problems.

This also explains why sometimes when I wake up in the shower or sleep, I suddenly think of a solution to the problem or have an epiphany. I think it is through subconscious thinking to help.

So every time I got used to when I got stuck on a problem, I tried my best not to go to the horns. I would put it down first and then go for a swim or exercise, so that my brain could rest from the high-speed operation of the problem in front of me.

Amazingly, the problem is often solved after a while!

Do you feel the same way? Or if you have other ways to rest your brain, please leave a comment and let me know!


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