Cup of Excellence 2022丨🇹🇼Taiwan Coffee Private Auction

It's Taiwanese coffee's turn~

Small private auctions are added from time to time in the Cup of Excellence competition!

The Taiwan Coffee Private Auction (Taiwan PCA), co-organized by the Taiwan Coffee Laboratory on behalf of the Agriculture and Food Administration of the Executive Yuan's Agriculture Committee and the Alliance for Coffee Excellence (ACE), has been held for three consecutive years, and the results have been improved year by year. Wonderful year. The event honors the extraordinary work of local coffee farmers and shares the fruits of their efforts with the rest of the world, while expanding the international profile of Taiwanese coffee.

This year, a total of 69 applications came from 9 counties and cities in Taiwan. Among the winning coffees, the sun-dried treatment accounted for the majority, followed by the washed, with the main varieties including Geisha and SL34. Alishan Zou Zhuyuan was the big winner this year, with a total of 3 coffees awarded. In addition to the common Zouzhuyuan, Zhuowushan, Songyue, and Senyue Gaofeng Manor, there are also many new coffee estates on the list this year. It can be seen that the quality of green coffee beans in Taiwan is improving day by day!

2022 Taiwan PCA

Taiwan Coffee Private Auction 2022

1) Domomika Geisha Manor / Washing Geisha (89.59 points)
2) Zou Zhuyuan / Sunbathing Geisha (89.06 points)
3) Zhuowushan Coffee Farm / Sunbathing Geisha (88.21 points)
4) Huaxitian Coffee Manor / Sun Sun SL34 (87.82 points)
5) Manor for Me / Washing Geisha (87.56 points)

6) Songyue Coffee Manor/ Anaerobic Sun-tanned Geisha (87.53 points)
7) Colorful Glass Coffee Manor / Washed SL34 (87.25 points)
8) Amber Club Coffee Manor / Sun Sun SL34 (87.10 points)
9) Wild Peony Coffee Manor / Sunbathing Geisha (86.78 points)
10) Zou Zhuyuan / Sun-dried Ethiopian native species (86.71 points)

11) Wild Peony Coffee Manor / Washed SL34 (86.62 points)
12) Fragrant Jiuyi Coffee Manor / Suntanning Iron Pica & SL34 (86.56 points)
13) Zou Zhuyuan / Sunbathing So'ngna (86.35 points)
14) Songyue Coffee Manor / Sun-tanned Geisha (86.31 points)
15) Senyue Peak Coffee Manor / Honey Processing SL34 (86.04 points)

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The batch of winning coffee beans will be auctioned on June 30. Last year, Taiwan PCA set the highest price on an international auction platform (on par with the price of Best of Panama). I wonder if it can hit a new high this year?

Champion: Dou Yuxiang . Washed geisha 🏆

Located in Alishan, Chiayi, the Royal Bean Geisha Estate, as the name suggests, is "an estate that only grows geisha". They imported geisha coffee trees from Panama and planted them in steep forests at an altitude of about 1100-1500 meters. Some parts of the manor cannot be reached by car, so you have to climb up step by step, and the planting location is "too steep and unreachable", but the farmers who are responsible for taking care of the coffee trees are tireless, and even say "learn to respect this land, Nature will naturally reward you.”

(Image source: Dou Yuxiang FB)

Runner-up丨Zou Zhuyuan. sunbathing geisha 🏆

Fang Zhenglun, a young man from the Tsou ethnic group known as the Coffee Prince in the Leye tribe of Alishan, forged an indissoluble bond with coffee because of the coffee seedlings brought by his father on a whim.

Dad used to grow tea, make tea and cultivate orchids. Once he brought coffee seedlings from a relative’s house and planted them on the most unfavorable steep slopes for harvesting, leaving the rest to God to take care of. Unexpectedly, four years later, when Fang Zhenglun returned to his hometown to farm, the coffee was full of fruit.

He was a coffee layman at the time, so he tried frying coffee beans in a wok, rotisserie and foil. There are no peelers and huskers in the garden. They also use human hands to peel the bean shells like peanuts, put them in plastic bags and beat them against walls, and even put them on the road and drive to smash shelled beans.

In 2007, he participated in the national coffee evaluation meeting hosted by Gukeng with the mentality of giving it a try, and he suddenly won the championship. But he knew that it was not how good his native steel-making skills were, but the natural location of Zou Zhuyuan that made him win the award. Later, he studied coffee attentively and made the quality of coffee better than high quality. Now Zou Zhou Yuan has become one of the famous estates in Taiwan.

(Image credit: Taiwan PCA)

Unfamiliar So'ngna variety?

In the list of winners, in addition to the common geisha and SL34, a relatively unfamiliar So'ngna variety also appeared. It turns out that "So'ngna" is a high-quality native variety named by Zou Zhuyuan in 2020, which means "the best, the best" in the Tsou language. Since this variety is still in the early stage of development, there is not much information, but it is believed that it is expected to become one of the unique varieties representing Taiwan in the near future.

(Image source: Zou Zhuyuan FB)

Runner-up丨Zhuowu Mountain Coffee Farm. sunbathing geisha 🏆

Zhuowushan Coffee Farm is located in Chiayi. It was originally a tea garden and has been growing coffee since 2001. At present, it has about 6 or 7 hectares of coffee cultivation area, located at a high altitude of 1200 meters. This location creates a low temperature environment that increases the sugar content of the coffee.

Through the careful selection of coffee varieties by the owner, various processing methods, and the use of natural spring water, the coffee has a unique juicy tropical fruit, brown sugar sweetness and rich floral aroma, to interesting umami and spice flavors.

(Image credit: Taiwan PCA)

💬 Little thoughts

I fully agree with what the coffee farmers said in the video: "Taiwan is a wonderful coffee-producing country. From the coffee farm to a cup of coffee on the table, the distance is the closest, which is not found in other countries." Plus Taiwan's technology It is more developed than other producing countries, and can crossover with Taiwan's tea culture, and now there is a new native variety of So'ngna. I believe that Taiwanese coffee still has many hidden charms for us to discover.

Looking back on my last trip to Taiwan, it has been more than 5 years. At that time, Simple Kaffa was still at the old site. I tried a tomato-flavored coffee from Zou Zhuyuan in Alishan. Besides the surprise, it was indeed unforgettable. Undiscovered flavor." (I really envy everyone 🥺)

Dear Taiwanese friends, be proud of Taiwanese coffee!

(Image credit: Taiwan PCA)

To find out more about Cup of Excellence 2022, please visit the Cup of Excellence 2022 section.

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▶ Other publications: "Barista Growth Diary" "Unlocking the Coffee Ecology"
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