My Nostalgic Collection | Memories of Childhood Years

If you recognize these things, it means...

When I was a child, I liked to put a rectangular black box into a black machine to watch movies. Sometimes I watched English teaching videos, sometimes movies and cartoons.

Friends of the younger generation should have never seen this~

It's a videotape!

I remember that when I was a child, many media were carried in the form of tapes , such as video tapes and audio tapes.

It's been a long time since I saw the " tape " and it felt like a time reversal.

Another collection, also full of childhood memories.

I used to like to collect cards and stamps, but the stamp album has been received deep, so I can only share card collections with you.

Due to the large number, only a few representative pages of cards were taken.

The first is the calling card.

The phone cards of this generation are not yet chip models, and the models of public telephones are also different from those that can use IC phone cards in the future.

The top is the prepaid card, and the bottom is the IC chip phone card.

Next, guess what?

give a hint,

Because I collected a lot of cards for commuting to class, I felt very sad to buy the same card face for a while...

The prompt is " Use when commuting "

Have you decided on an answer?

----------------Lightning protection line----------------

----------------Anti-peeking line-------------

Announce the answer↓

Correct answer: bus ticket

In the past, when taking the bus, in addition to the coin, there was a small machine, like a punch card machine, that put the bus ticket upright and completed the ticket cutting.

You can't buy the whole set when you buy in memory (if the memory is not misplaced), so it's exciting to buy different card faces, especially when you collect a whole set.

The next one is the Taipei MRT's first-generation fixed-value ticket and one-way ticket.

You can't choose the card face for a fixed-value ticket when you buy it, so every time you have a lottery or a twist.

With the evolution of the times, the one-way ticket has become a coin-like, reusable contact-type ticket; the fixed-amount ticket has also become an electronic ticket card in the form of an easy card.

If you recognize the above items, it means...


Enjoy shared memories of time! ( Definitely does not represent the thickness of age, lol )

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