Confession|The Graphic Writer of Wei Misfortune: Wei Pain

Although you encounter minor misfortunes occasionally, you must also write inspirational (funny) golden sentences for your life!

New series: "Confession" Various YouTubers, graphic writers, entertainers, etc. that I admire.
(I many series do I have to open to be willing?! XD)

In fact, this type of article is also what I wanted to write when I registered for the Matt City account, but I was worried that it would not be well written, and I would not be able to properly show the advantages of the people I love.
But the more you think about it, the article will never be written!
After thinking about it later, in fact, in addition to promoting the goodness of idols, writing these can be regarded as records for myself.
Why would I like them?
So, stop dreaming!

On the first day of the seventh month of the lunar calendar, it is great to introduce a little pain that is closely related to "ghost stories"!
Also my favorite graphic writer.

slight pain

Avatar of the micropain YouTube channel

His real name is Sun Weiyi, a native of Tainan.
The figurative character is a rabbit (lop-eared rabbit), which is always mistaken for a dog.
FB fan page: I have a disease that will kill me if I eat vegetables - slight pain
YouTube Channel: Pain
Instagram: Micro Pain (weiteng0710)
※Special note: There are only the above three platforms operated by Wei Pain, Douyin, bilibili, Weibo... The platforms are all fake!

The story begins!

The first time I knew about Wei Huan was when I saw a picture on FB by chance. At that time, the name of the page was "I have a disease that will kill me when I eat vegetables-Luo Moxiang" (laughs to death).
Later, another friend recommended me to go to Line Webtoon to see his cartoons.
In fact, I hardly read manga when I was a kid, I'm the kind of idiot who doesn't understand the order of reading manga! XD
However, Webtoon is a straight comic, which can be easily read by swiping with a mobile phone.
So it should be a slight pain that made me fall into the pit of watching online comics!

Micro Pain's earliest serialized comic is " Micro Misfortune Theater ", which mainly focuses on short stories of life "micro misfortune" events.
Seeing these "bad" things happen to Weitong, I always laugh out loud.
Wei Pain also said that although unfortunate things happened, if it can make readers laugh happily, it is worth it. (I don't remember the original words, but that's roughly what it means!)
Super easy to move I think he is too warm!

"Micro-Unfortunate Theater" has been serialized for five years, during which there are two other comics.
One is " Don't Laugh at the Soldier ". This work is a military diary that can be easily read by a person who has never been in the army.
However, at the same time, there are two comics with weekly updates (even being a soldier twice a week), and the excessive workload also makes Wei Pain's body go out of shape, so the serialization of "Don't Laugh at the Soldier" ended after one year.
One month after ending the serialization of "Don't Laugh at Soldiers", my body has recovered. It's really stressful! XD
However, Wei Huan didn't let herself go, and after a while, he started a new series " Aunt Wei Huan's Ghost Story "!
This story is based on the personal experience of Aunt Wei Pain, adapted from Wei Pain, it is really wonderful!
I'm timid, but the horror level of the story of Wei Pain is very good, so I will finish it even if I'm afraid.

In the later stage of the comic series, Cai Cai, his girlfriend who was in pain, became a comic assistant, which reduced a lot of workload.
A few years ago, when the YouTube platform became popular in Taiwan, Wei Pain began to learn how to make animations, created a YouTube channel, and released short animations.
Just like Wei Huan said in "Dream Hurt Hurt": "Being popular for a while, if you want to be popular for a lifetime, you must know where the audience is, and where I should appear. Technology is changing, and the audience's platform is also changing. ”

In the early days, pictures and texts published on FB and IG were mainly made into animated short films of about one to two minutes.
Later, I made animations of various supernatural experiences encountered by Aunt Wei Pain renting a house, and started the "Micro Ghost Painting" series.
In addition to serious ghost stories, of course, funny videos are indispensable.
Share two here to make everyone laugh!

If the protagonist of the ghost nun is replaced....

Flip the overlaid trap card! (directly laughing crazy XDDDDD

【Extra】If the ghost nun meets...

The channel has recently been dominated by ghost story animations.
Wei Pain will collect ghost stories from the audience and make them into animations after adaptation.
Sometimes there are ghost stories of their own creation, or the personal experiences of friends around them.
If we use stories submitted by audiences, Wei Pain will donate to groups in need!
Love it, awesome!

In order to write this article, I looked for previous films and found that the early dubbing was not very skilled.
In order to make the quality of animation better, Wei Pain signed up for the voice expression training course!
Putting on the latest video of Wei Huan for comparison, you can clearly feel that the picture and dubbing have improved a lot.

[Micro-Ghost Painting] The ghost story I've been painting for so long, this time the author has met

Lara has written so much.
I think Wei Pain is good for fans (he calls them readers), and try to help fight for welfare. At each cultural fair, he insisted on signing in for every fan who came to line up. Even if the venue was closed, he had to sign in outside until the end.

Last year, Wei Huo published the full-color comic "Dream Huge Hurt". I stayed in front of the computer and grabbed the signed version of the book.
Wei Pain shared a story at the end of the book, where he saw a shelf full of cheap, star-signed albums in a used CD store. I wonder if his signature will be like these CDs in the future and will no longer be cherished.

Instead of worrying about these things that I can't control, it's better to continue to paint better works, so that those who like micropain can laugh happily when discussing micropain with friends, that's enough.
If happiness is a smile, then I want to use my creations to bring you happiness.

When I saw this, my tears burst out!
(Ah! My eyes got wet again while typing this.)

I am really thankful that Wei Pain has brought me a lot of happiness with my creations!

If you read my sharing and feel that Micro Pain is great, why don't you follow it up?
FB fan page: I have a disease that will kill me if I eat vegetables - slight pain
YouTube Channel: Pain
Instagram: Micro Pain (weiteng0710)

Also welcome to subscribe me:


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

云云眾聲講述些芸芸眾生的故事。 想把喜歡的人、事、物推薦給你們;還有生活大小事的雜想吧!
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