Customize FACEBOOK fan page marketing and business strategy from 7 stages, the latest strategy in 2022! !

In recent years, FB marketing has become more and more difficult, because the algorithm has been changing, and advertisements must be placed in order for the target audience to see the post. Some people even want to give up FB marketing directly, but please don’t be impulsive! Because FB marketing is one of the only channels you can interact with consumers, compared to the hundreds of thousands of dollars spent on an event, the cost of FB operation is already low, and you can communicate with various types of posts through content. Issues that enhance the relationship with the target audience.

facebook marketing teaching and business strategy

In fact, operating FB is like creating a role, the purpose is to communicate well with the target audience, that is why each brand has its own style, tone, and communication methods, and even takes the role of "Xiaobian" and fans. Interaction, if you can successfully create a FB fan page with a unique brand style and hold a place in the hearts of the target group, then your FB marketing is successful!

But to get to that step of success, the process is very difficult. You have to execute every step accurately and keep trying to find out the target group's favorite communication method and what content they want to watch the most. Let's share on facebook below. In the teaching of marketing management strategies, the general directions are listed first, and the details will be discussed later.

  1. Preliminary analysis: target audience analysis, brand competition analysis
  2. Brand positioning: determine brand style, shape role
  3. Theme formulation: According to the monthly seasons and festivals, first formulate a good direction, and follow-up can be fine-tuned according to current events
  4. Article Writing: Based on the proposed topic, in a tone that the target audience likes
  5. Picture production: Determine the main color system, design the main visual, and the style of each subsequent post must be consistent
  6. Post Analysis: Posts must be analyzed regularly in order to see performance
  7. Optimization adjustment: After the analysis, the problem must be found and adjusted immediately

FB marketing pre-analysis + brand positioning

In fact, in the FB marketing strategy, the most important thing is the pre-analysis, because according to the results of the pre-analysis, it will affect the content of the subsequent output, so if the analysis is wrong, all the subsequent content will also deviate from the track, the purpose of the pre-analysis That is: Know your target audience and your competitors, find your strengths and emphasize them. In vernacular terms, just like if you want to pursue a person, you must first understand all his preferences and what are the strengths and weaknesses of your competitors, then find out your own unique advantages, and finally present them well for the other party to see .

In addition to the questionnaire survey, the target audience analysis method can also obtain a lot of real information by online search. There are two query methods for reference:

  1. Look at the forum: Many netizens are accustomed to asking questions or sharing product experience in the forum, so the forum is a platform that gathers the most user experience, as long as you hit the right keywords, you will have the opportunity to find the answer.
  2. Get to know the fans of the game: Another way is to go directly to the fans of the game to find the answer! There must be a message from loyal fans in the message area of each post. Clicking on it to see the photo, self-introduction and posting, you can infer the profile of this person.

fb marketing theme formulation + content production

Marketers must know that the most important thing in fb's business strategy is to "follow current events", so before formulating fb marketing themes, you can browse all the festivals this year to confirm whether the brand can catch up on the festival issues. For your reference.

(Image source:

In the part of post content production, after you confirm the brand style and positioning, you can plan a suitable communication method. Whether it is text or graphic design, it needs to be designed to satisfy the target audience, for example: your brand is For skin care products, the target audience is set to light mature women aged 34 to 45. The main color may be orange or pink, showing a warm feeling. The text can also be like a conversation with a friend, making the target audience feel cordial and comfortable.

Analysis of fb marketing posts and subsequent optimization and adjustment

As long as you have operated the fan group, you should know that you can see the results of the posts in the background. This is a good way to review the posts. You can see at a glance which posts are effective and which are not. After cross-comparison, the team will discuss together. What factors affect the results, there are many possible factors, such as: topic, time, advertising costs, etc., all need to be evaluated and judged together.

(Image credit: facebook)


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