troubled times

In the end is now chaos or the end of the world?

In the end is now chaos or the end of the world?

When the epidemic seems to have eased, when many parts of the world announced that the epidemic prevention ban will be lifted in March and free customs clearance will be resumed, but some areas are experiencing major outbreaks, and the daily number of confirmed cases hit a new high.

When the public thinks that the virus variant is only strong infectivity and weak in lethality, but more deaths occur, especially children are not spared, the public panic.

When the epidemic was the most violent last year, many people were not afraid or lost, but they faced death threats directly when arguing about the elimination or coexistence of the virus.

Is it due to anti-epidemic fatigue, or have you forgotten why? It seems that it is no longer life-saving, not for the sake of public health, and the goal has become a number!

But do the numbers make any sense now?

At that time, some people thought it was over, the policies were in place, the measures were sufficient, the facilities and equipment were sufficient, they could relax, they could ignore the restrictions, they regarded themselves as too high, they felt good about themselves, and they were ready to wish victory, but victory It is "Murphy's Law", once again proving that "anything that can go wrong can go wrong.". Groups of privileged mentality, loopholes, opened the door to fight the epidemic, and they have not yet woken up and have been defeated.

Some people underestimate the enemy, some people are fighting the enemy.

On the other side of the globe, they are facing armies that claim to wage war to ensure "peace" and invade neighboring countries for the sake of national "security" to "relieve" the threat.

Is this chaos or the end of the world?

Because of its strong military power, it bullies the weak, and because it is afraid that its neighbors will be disadvantaged, it seizes other people's land as a buffer and defense.

what world is this?

I'm already strong enough, but I still feel that I'm not strong enough, and I don't want to see others strong. Insecurity makes others insecure.

There are also many people who help Zhou to abuse, explaining that due to geographical factors, they have to open their doors to the outside world, they have to prevent the neighboring countries from jointly encircling them, and they even express sympathy and rationalize the force. .

Suddenly, there is no universal value.

There is no peace, because as long as you feel uneasy, you can use force.

Without freedom, one cannot even avoid evil neighbors and be friendly with other neighbors. It cannot be separated, but can only be bound together forever.

Without morality, the whole world knows that you are being bullied, but your call for help is ignored, "Negotiate with him", "Tell him that you won't leave him", "If something really happens, I will help you, but I I won't interfere",  …

Now, is it troubled or the end of the world? !


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穿林莫聽穿林打葉聲,何妨吟嘯且徐行。 竹杖芒鞋輕勝馬,誰怕?一蓑煙雨任平生。 料峭春風吹酒醒,微冷,山頭斜照卻相迎。 回首向來蕭瑟處,歸去,也無風雨也無晴。 蘇軾 - 定風波
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