Giving gifts is not easy

At the moment, I make gifts with my own heart and mind, but can the recipient feel it?

When you grow up, you must have the experience of giving or receiving gifts. Do you have the experience of giving gifts that time? Looking back now, I still think what I was thinking about at that time, why did you want to send this gift out?

The so-called gift should be sent to the heart, in addition to taking into account the living habits of the other party, whether the gift is suitable, whether it will cause trouble for the other party, the location of gift giving, the timing of gift giving, and many eyebrows (Hokkien: same tips, skills) should pay attention to , to test personal thoughts and experience. After all, the reason for giving gifts is to make the recipient happy and to enhance and maintain the relationship between the two parties . If the wrong gift is given, the worst may be to ruin a relationship.

In my personal memory, I think I have given the most "ㄎ一ㄤ" gift. It was a birthday gift from a friend many years ago. I still laugh involuntarily when I look back on it. The gift did not ruin the relationship.

At that time, when I was thinking about what gift to give to my friends, I went to Daxi Old Street for a walk. 3D wooden jigsaw puzzles and cute little god dolls were sold as decorations, and an idea came to mind immediately. After buying some materials, I went back to work at home, from assembling, coloring, processing and final packaging. Feeling very good about myself because I had a lot of fun making it myself. 😝

On the night of my friend's birthday, a group of people started to celebrate and give gifts to the birthday star after eating in the restaurant. When I took out my gift, everyone was surprised and then burst into laughter.

Terrier picture net red cat "Olli": an embarrassing yet polite smile

Someone asked about the purpose of giving this gift, and I said bluntly, " Bless the birthday star to be healthy, safe, rich, happy, and blessed by a lot of gods!! "

Pink Ferris Wheel + Avalokitesvara, God of Earth, God of Fortune, God of Wealth... and other gods to bless and bless!

Fortunately, this gift is still alive and well and placed in our home. The birthday star did not ruin this friendship with me because of receiving this gift, but instead advanced to become my wife. 💖

After many years, I asked my wife how she felt when she received this gift. She only thought " Is this a gift!!! " 💢

It's pure self-bitch, take it easy.

The above does not have suggestions on how to chase a lover or give gifts, so be sure to think about it.

Prove that gift giving can be delivered to the heart, it is not a simple matter, share it with everyone! !

I am a Talf house, sharing my life experience, learning, reading and other experiences through text. Keep it for yourself and for those who are interested, thank you for reading.

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Talf宅Hi 我是Talf宅,將自身的生活體驗、學習、閱讀等心得,藉由文章分享出來。留給自己也給有興趣的人。
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