The article data function is online|Helps you grasp reader feedback and have a clear view of your creative results

Authors can view article data at a glance, analyze which topics are more likely to resonate, stimulate interaction and communication, and which types of articles are more likely to attract reader support to develop your readership.

Matters hopes to continue to grow with authors and achieve greater creative achievements through reader feedback. A new function is added today. Authors can view various data of articles in "My Creations", including: number of readers, number of claps, number of comments, number of supports, etc. They will be sorted by the latest release or the highest data.

This data makes readers’ responses clear at a glance and helps creators better understand article performance. You can analyze which topics are more likely to resonate, inspire interaction and communication, and which types of articles are more likely to attract reader support, so as to get better creative inspiration and develop your readership.

Matters upgrades "My Drafts" to "My Creations". Users can enter "My Creations" to manage drafts and obtain article data in the "Published" list.

Matters hopes that these data can highlight the creator's milestones and establish his own creative garden in Matters; whether the article is written for himself or for readers, the accumulated results every word is a kind of self-achievement. We also hope that these data can give authors the motivation to continue creating, understand what content attracts more attention from readers, develop a personal creative style, bring communication and readers through your content, and walk together on the road of creation.


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