Pastel | A Sweet World in Dreams

The picture that could not be challenged originally, the teacher said that it can start to draw. It is really difficult to hear the teacher say this.

When I started to practice pastel, the teacher asked me to look through Pixar's picture book and choose the picture I wanted to copy. I chose this one first, because the color of this picture made people so happy that I couldn't help but want to paint.

But the teacher said not to choose this at the beginning, because I was afraid that the difficulty would be too high and I would not be able to master it. After all, it is a new medium. If it is easy to give up because the difficulty is too high at the beginning, I want to choose other pictures first.

When I was picking out a new picture a few weeks ago, the teacher pointed at this picture and asked me if I wanted to paint it.

"Didn't you say I can't draw this one yet?"

"it's OK now."

Um? Why do you feel like you have had a similar conversation? Every time I hear the teacher say this, I will be very happy, it means that he thinks that I have made progress (I can't always see whether I have made progress or not)

The color of this picture is very colorful, the protagonist Xiaomi's expression is like when I walked into Flugel, "So many cakes, this is heaven, right?"

Maybe the color is very happy, or maybe my emotions are in tune with the protagonist. I was very happy when I drew this picture. Although it was a bit difficult to come here, I can still make it slowly.

The first difficulty is to leave white space. The experience of the first few pictures has taught me that white can be applied to a small area at the end, but when it is larger or you want the picture to be whiter, leaving white space like watercolor is the best method. There is a lot of blank space in this picture, so be careful not to draw it.

The second is how to present the feeling of glowing underneath. To be honest, I didn't feel glowing at all when I started painting, but when I bravely deepened the dark side of the cake around it, the bottom suddenly lit up, and it really was a matter of contrast.

When it comes to the comparison of the pictures, my current state is "I know in theory, but I can't apply it in practice", because I am too timid. This is because I have the original picture that I can copy, so I can draw it boldly, but when I create it myself Really dare not.

It reminded me of a picture when I painted a squirrel a few months ago, and there was a picture with strong contrast. At that time, I was very anxious when I was painting the dark side. I always felt that I had failed in painting. Every time I painted a few strokes, I had to annoy the teacher and keep asking him "" Is that really okay?"

The teacher reassured me that it was fine, but the unpredictable results really scared me.

Of course, the teacher is very experienced. He said that no problem means no problem. The final result exceeded my expectations, because the dark side was dark enough, and the sunlight was very bright.

Learning to draw is a slow process. I learn a little bit from the picture every time, but it is a little far from what I have learned to be practical. In fact, I feel a lot of frustration, but this is something I like, and I am happy with it.

Lastly is advertising time.

Welcome to follow my illustration fan special Lomia Illustration , the update is very slow, you can see the process of my slow progress, I really need to be encouraged, if someone is willing to encourage me, I will be very happy and grateful XD


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洛洛插畫學徒、愛貓人,願望是不要成為無聊的大人。 🐿插畫粉專 Lomia Illustration 🍄插畫Instagram
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