Don't let your Pi coins get scammed!

Stop, watch, listen, and avoid being snared by interested parties
"Don't let your hard-earned Pi coins be deceived"


As more and more Pi coins pass KYC and are successfully mapped to the mainnet wallet, peer-to-peer transfers in various countries have also begun. Whether it is now or in the future, there will be all kinds of fraudsters trying to deceive you and me. Pi Coin! No matter whether you are new to the Pi pioneer in the cryptocurrency industry , or you are already a veteran of encryption , or whether you think Pi Coin is valuable and how much you own, these are extremely precious crypto assets in your hands, don't give them away for nothing People, everyone, don’t be too confident that you will not be deceived. The reason why fraud is a fraud is to understand the weakness of human nature, and there is already perfect big data so that they can make fraud methods that conform to the current trend!

The following articles will take you to understand the fraudulent methods that may occur now and in the future, and hope that the pioneers will take precautions against them:

1. Protection of private keys

The private key, or mnemonic, can be said to be the most important point in the entire cryptocurrency that needs to be positively viewed and protected! For how to protect your private key, see the article " Protect your Pi private key, help memorize words ".

2. Online peer-to-peer transactions

The point-to-point transaction here refers to the direct point-to-point exchange (C2C) without any guarantee/security mechanism, but only through communication methods such as online communication software. Whether it is the current commodity or the future fiat currency/other cryptocurrency exchange, before there is a secure mall, you still need to evaluate the exchange risk of any consideration commodity/service, whether the other party is trustworthy, and whether the information is open and transparent, etc.; In addition, the exchange of fiat currency and cryptocurrencies should be more careful, as far as possible through safe over-the-counter (Over-the-counter, OTC), or well-known cryptocurrency exchanges (Cryptocurrency Exchanges), or future Decentralized Exchange (DEX) is the safest and most secure way to conduct transactions. For exchange-related information, please refer to the article " Mining Pi Coins and Knowing About Trading ".

3. Offline peer-to-peer transactions

2. This is even more dangerous than online peer-to-peer transactions without any protection mechanism! After all, you don't even know whether the person who asked you out is a dragon or a tiger. After you come out to meet, you may defraud your private key by means of tricks. , what's more, there is the issue of personal safety, you have to be careful to make sure that the person you are trading with is sufficient and trustworthy.

4. Phishing sites, unknown text messages, misleading advertisements, malicious email addresses

The easiest way is to avoid clicking on unidentified URLs, especially those filled with attractive “send money” and “send U”, and receive various “airdrops”, “NFTs”, etc. for free. The above are collectively referred to as social engineering (Social Engineering). Engineering) attack , without your full understanding, clicking on these links will only increase the risk, even for APP transactions on Pi Browser, please make sure that the URL above the payment screen of Pi checkout is pi ://wallet.pi , as shown in the image below.

The best way to avoid phishing sites is: don't click on the links randomly, read the URL clearly, and add the frequently used bookmarks

"Pi checkout payment screen"

5. Strange mining apps or other software

Since the advent of Pi Network in 2019, many imitation disks have been born one after another, even software and projects under the name of Pi. We cannot confirm what their purpose is. Is it to make you mistakenly think that it is also one of the main chains, or It is to monitor your mobile phone through the backdoor of the APP; I believe that most of the pioneers are not from developers, or related to information security, so when downloading, even registering/KYC these items, please be careful and independent. take risks. Ps. Many projects called "XXX" can be checked online to know the authenticity. It is recommended to concentrate on Pi.

6. Malicious exchanges or OTC

First of all, we must clarify a concept, that is, exchanges are always centralized, and we can't guarantee how high their security will be. It is reasonable to say "Not your key, not your coin" in the currency circle! Recommended For the exchanges used, please read the article "Mining Pi Coins, but also know how to trade ". If you want to use other exchanges, please directly use CoinMarketCap (the most frequently cited cryptocurrency price tracking website in the cryptocurrency field) to check the Top Cryptocurrencies The list of currency spot exchanges , select the top exchanges that are currently inquired, and do enough homework, basically there will be no major problems (but also be careful of imitation exchanges and phishing platforms). In addition, it is OTC. Except for the recommendation in the article " Mining Pi Coins, You Must Understand Transactions ", please use the rest of the OTC with caution, especially "to temporarily store Pi coins in their wallets", "Use Pi coins to exchange for The tokens they issued” or looking at the “history of core team members”, etc., can be judged slightly.

7. The wolf in sheep's clothing

Under the huge difference of information, especially the information that is not so transparent and open between the language (English) and the PCT (Pi core team), the general pioneer can easily be called a member of the Pi Network core team (Dr. Fan can speak Chinese very reasonably !), or a liar who pretended to be an administrator of a certain district got it, and then obediently handed over his wallet private key or asked for funds to raise funds; if you really encounter a similar situation, please think clearly first, Pi Official will only tell you what you must know through the Pi APP homepage , such as your account being frozen; Pi Network will never ask your account password outside the official Mining App and Pi Wallet interface, nor will it use other Contact the Pioneers proactively, unless you have sent the letter to the correct address first.

Also, don't trust any influencers, KOLs, companies, organizations, etc. that represent Pi Network. The correct official contact channel of Pi Network is as follows:

8. The website/platform etc. that asks you to enter the private key

Except for Pi Wallet itself on Pi Browser (as shown in the figure below), no matter it is the APP on Pi Browser, other websites or exchanges in the future, you will not be asked to fill in your private key (mnemonic phrase), please be careful and careful !

"Pi Wallet"

9. In the name of a super ecological project, you are asked to invest and give high rewards

Please be careful if such projects are true or false. Please try to see whether the team's community organization is active, whether there is a complete white paper or MVP (Minimum Viable Product), and whether the core members are open and transparent, and whether the fundraising contract is not. Legal, fair, etc., make judgments according to your own risk assessment, and do not blindly invest in your Pi coins.

10. People around you

Yes, it is very likely that relatives and friends with bad intentions, or people who have known each other for a long time will deceive your Pi in various ways, such as checking your mobile phone under the guise of checking your mobile phone, keeping the private key (mnemonic phrase) for you, Falsely claiming that Pi Wallet needs to be updated to extract your private keys, etc.

11. Third Party Services

There may be relatively few services in Taiwan that require the use of VPNs or hosting nodes, but if there are, please be cautious.

Note: If you find fraud, please report to the group discussion, or to the Scam Report on the official Pi Network Support Portal.

12. Global Converter

Even if there is a very real-looking global converter on Pi Browser, don't believe it. At present, Pi Network cannot exchange fiat currency in this way. Please conduct transactions through legal and reliable exchanges. Throw your Pi coins to a platform that you don’t understand at all. For more information on how to convert cryptocurrencies and fiat currencies, please refer to the article “ Mine Pi coins, but also know how to trade ”.

13. Lending Pi APP

If you have passed KYC, congratulations to you, but please do not rent your Pi APP to others. Such behavior is equivalent to handing over your wallet to others! As long as it falls into the hands of others, you will never know your assets what will happen!

14. Brainless Collar

Please don't click on any links that say to send U, send US dollars, and send Pi coins for free! To prevent the fraudulent phishing websites mentioned above!

After reading the above article, please don't be too worried or overly concerned to trade. As long as you act with caution, there will be no mistakes! This article will also be updated with the development of Pi Network, as far as possible. Give everyone a better idea and better protect the Pi coins in your hands.

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Pi Pioneer since 2019 ❘DavidDavid

DECLARATION: "Pi, Pi Network and the Pi logo are trademarks of the Pi Community Company" David's ❚ David 𝝿 Pi Network Classroom © 2022


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大衛大自2019年10月起擔任全球第一款手機挖礦APP Pioneer、PitoGo前營運首席官,同時也是個區塊鏈與加密貨幣的忠實追隨者,也堅信Pi Network將會帶領該產業至另一個全新的領域,目前全力支持並為Pi社區付出,期望靠著有限的能力,能激起漣漪,幫助更多想了解Pi Network的朋友!
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