Stop living in memories, no one can love, you can still love yourself

lover and being loved

To love someone, we need to work hard, give all our strength, and don't let ourselves regret - regret that you missed a person who may be your favorite in this life because you didn't work hard...

However, no matter how true a relationship is, when it ends up not being together, it is only a short-lived firework that can only be kept in memory and cannot be invited to life.

But the reality is that fireworks have given us too good memories of the past, we are nostalgic for the beauty of this relationship, and we love our former selves. So, we bury ourselves in the memory of the past, for a lifetime...

In fact, we clearly know that this relationship has come to an end; in fact, we have long known that we should turn back, but helpless, the person and the relationship in the past cannot be driven away in our hearts, and we are even more reluctant to let go...

Perhaps, this is the true ending of love - a person lives in memory, a person loses himself...

If love really becomes the only memory left, instead of trapping yourself in the prison built by yourself, it is better to let yourself live back to your original self, even if you can no longer live in others in your heart, then A man lives in his own country...

Don't live in memories anymore, no one loves you, you can love yourself...


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