Kapok Tree and Fish Pond

I have visited here before, but we looked at the fish pond below instead of from a high place, and this day's visit reminded me of that unforgettable experience again.

Hong Kong is a small place, it seems that there are not many places to go, but if you open the map and browse each place carefully, you can actually find many unfamiliar but perhaps interesting places.

The same is true for the place I went this time, which is near the border between Hong Kong and China. I didn't expect too much, I just wanted to walk around here at will, get close to nature, and then go back to the city to eat the famous hot dog shop, but I didn't expect that there is a good scenery here.

Walking up along the spot where you got off the bus, you will see a rather beautiful kapok tree with falling safflower, adding a layer of unique color to the ordinary concrete road.

The piled red flowers look a bit like a red carpet with a natural texture

In fact, kapok is quite common, but it is still relatively rare when it is in full bloom like this.

Walk to the right from here, and you will come to a place where you can get a bird's-eye view of the whole scenery.

Although the house that looks like a cemetery is indeed a bit of a killer, but the blue sky that happened to meet has skillfully eliminated the shortcomings, leaving a scenery worthy of nostalgia.

What appears to be a pond on the right is actually a fish pond, while the building on the left is Tin Shui Wai with only tall buildings and forests. As for the fish pond and the fish pond, there is a road, but there are no road signs, and there are many forked roads, and it is easy to get lost. Even if you open Google Maps, it will not help, because there are also some huts on the road, and the huts are raised around them. Plenty of watchdogs.

Why would I know? Because I once tried to ride a bicycle through this area from Tin Shui Wai with my friends to reach the location where the picture is.

unforgettable memory

At that time, the reason for this idea was actually very simple, that is, I hoped to avoid the pig farm that I passed by on the way to the road. The smell there was strong and it made people feel suffocated. My friend hated this so much, he looked at Google Maps for guidance and chose an unfamiliar and desolate road.

Looking at the weeds in front of me, I already had the intention of retreating from the beginning, but at that time, my friends believed in Google map and continued to move forward.

"Perhaps the road ahead will be easier, right?"

Although I thought so, it backfired. After crossing the weedy road, the situation did not improve much. There were piles and mountains, haystacks half my height, in front, blocking our way. Maybe the map has magic power, or maybe the smell of pigs has turned into their greatest courage. They still choose to lift the bicycle and continue to move forward with difficulty. After landing, the height of the haystack is also higher. Our way back is completely strangled

With no way out, we slowly rode our bicycles and stepped on the narrow path. There were finally no weeds around, but small farmlands. Just as we started to relax, there was a loud barking sound in the distance. I saw a group of Tang dogs, more than 10 of them were walking in our direction, barking hard at us, and the worst thing was that they were not bound by any chains, and we had to break them into pieces at any time. It's possible that we haven't really stepped into their territory yet, and what we received at this moment was the last warning from them.

"It's miserable, we are dead, what should we do?"

"It's impossible to rush past, so whether you can survive is also a question."

"Let's go back, even if it's hard enough."

"Don't be stupid, we can't go up."

We have been arguing about the subsequent decision, but there is no definite answer, because there is no answer that is truly suitable for dealing with the status quo.

Just as we were at a loss, an old Kuang's voice came from the hut.

I saw an old man walk out slowly

"Young people, what are you doing here? Are you going back to the city?"

"Yes yes yes yes"

"Come, come with me, I will take you out of their siege, they will gather here just after dinner time, but the master doesn't seem to be back... When you step back, just step over to the other side quickly.”

I saw him pick up a big wooden stick from the side and slammed the ground hard, and the dogs immediately retreated to both sides of the road. Afraid that they would change their minds and run back, we didn't look back until we had walked some distance.

The dogs were once again gathering and wandering in the belt

"Fortunately, the old man came to help us, otherwise I really don't know what will happen in the end."

"Really, I was scared to death when I stepped on them just now."

As we talked, we stepped on it. At this time, the road was no longer a small road, it was wider and lower, and the surrounding scenery changed once again. There was no farmland, and what was changed was a tall reed grass and fish in the distance. pond. Although the roads here are all straight, there are many points of difference, which is like a large labyrinth. In addition, there are no passers-by, and the surrounding environment has not changed much, so it is obviously not easy to get out of here.

"How do we leave?"

"Let's take a look at the map again. Although it was obviously tricked just now, it seems that it is a bit difficult to get out of here."

Although I was reluctant, I had to take out Google Maps again.

"It should be fine if you don't take the road next to the house."

We looked at the map and finally found a road that seemed to be good. Although it was not the one we wanted to go, at this moment, what we wanted more in our hearts was to leave this place quickly. This seemingly easy way to get back to Tin Shui Wai is just right for us. So we followed the map and went that way.

That road is located near the wetland park, and it doesn't seem to have much problem. But when I came to that road, I found that it was an impassable and blocked road. Looking at the road sign erected there, it is obviously an additional roadblock to protect the wetlands.

The heart is full of the feeling of being deceived, but there is no point in resentment, we can only touch our noses and leave.

Coincidentally, there was a passerby from afar, passing by on a bicycle, it seemed to be a person who was returning home.

"Excuse me, how do I get out of here?"

The passerby gave a simple instruction, and it turned out that a fork in the road just now went wrong. We were full of grievances, and we reluctantly stepped on the bicycle and walked according to the instructions of the man. At the same time we also drive Google Maps to make sure that the way we walk can actually leave.

After walking through fish ponds one after another, looking at the repeated and repeated scenery, we finally left here. Ironically, we still came to the place where we started at that time: near Tin Shui Wai.

Even though we spent a lot of time and walked a lot of roads, we still returned to the original point in the end, and we still need to walk through the pig farm. All this is not much different from the original, except for the increased tiredness.

Maybe I didn't have such an experience if I insisted a little bit, but this experience is indeed rare.

Easter eggs


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