Family planning, population and human rights, Xi Jinping, get out!


This is a response to the comments made by "Brother Love" in my humble essay " Criticizing Yi Fuxian's fraud, I have always been "reasonable, data, logical and clear without personal attacks" . .

When you ("Brother Love") said that "if the land is fixed, the population density is of course determined by the number of people", I know that the population density you are talking about is a big joke.

Take the territory actually controlled by China as an example, the alpine zone like the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is not suitable for human habitation, and the actual population is very small, which is a typical land with sparse population. If the population density of China is calculated simply by dividing the national population by the total territorial area, a vast area like the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau will inevitably lower the population density of the whole country, which simply cannot reflect the real situation of China’s environment under population pressure. In contrast, it is more rigorous to calculate the population density of the areas on both sides of the Hu Huanyong Line separately.

To take another extreme example, can you infer a "reasonable population" for Antarctica by simply multiplying the land area by the population density of a country that is rich in natural resources and has a livable environment, such as Brazil? Obviously not.

Therefore, we cannot simply calculate a country's "population target" based on its land area, but must comprehensively consider its natural environment, natural resources, even economic development level, reproductive traditions, and other factors.

As for what you said "human rights are the reason why we oppose family planning", it is also debatable.

I don't know exactly what you mean by "human rights". If it is the so-called "reproductive freedom" that anti-birth control groups talk about, then I can tell you that this is a false proposition. Because, according to the definition of the anti-birth control group, only the public power will never interfere with the individual's right to decide whether or not to have more or less children.

But this also means that any government of any country that encourages its citizens to have children through money or other means is also interfering with the "right to freedom of reproduction". As for some countries with relatively strong Christian power, which forcibly prohibit abortion through legislation, it is even more so. The buckle violates the "right to reproductive freedom".

After all, how many countries in the world truly guarantee the "right to freedom of reproduction" of their citizens? I'm afraid not many.

If the "human rights" you mean simply refers to "forced abortion", you think that because of the phenomenon of human rights violations such as forced abortion, the whole family planning policy should be abandoned. Then I ask you again, there are different degrees of human rights violations in the judicial system of China and even the United States, such as the torture of confessions in China and the torture of prisoners in the United States. So should we oppose or even abolish the judicial system in China and the United States and even abolish it? What about the entire legal system?

I have never denied that there are human rights violations in the implementation of China's family planning policy, but look at counterfeiting master Yi Fuxian, and look at the anti-birth control group as a whole, a considerable number of them are well-educated intellectual elites. Now that anti-birth control has become an absolutely politically correct and just cause, they still have to maintain their "anti-birth control" stance through all kinds of falsehoods and lies. How many old Chinese farmers in the 1980s and 1990s do you think would sit down calmly and listen to the Family Planning Commission talk about the importance of prenatal and postnatal care, and then voluntarily abide by the family planning policy?

And, when anti-birth control activists criticize the Communist government for forced abortions, keep in mind the fact that some rural Chinese women (and some well-educated urban white-collar women) have been raped when they didn't want to have more children. Her husband's family used various means to force her to live more lives. If "forced abortion" is a violation of human rights, isn't "forced pregnancy" not? Is it a double standard to just condemn the forced abortion by the government, but not say a word or criticize the forced pregnancy by the people?


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