
Chill 对你来说是什么定义?

图中给你的第一个感觉是什么?一杯咖啡图, 顶多给多个不错的颜色背景?有这样想法吗?

图的背景是澳门商业中心-南湾, 饮品的确是一杯咖啡, 这是我至爱品牌的"Cold brew with Cold foam" , 绵绵的奶泡, 饮下去时并无奶盖的要消耗多少卡路里的罪恶感, 但有别于cappuccino 顶层厚奶云, 入口的一下, 有少少柔滑的奶感配以Cold brew 的fresh , 正~值得推介!!!

不好意思, 因为本人是咖啡人, 所以一说起我的至爱, 就可以说很多. 而一杯咖啡已经可以给我一点Chill的感受.这幅图以澳门最繁忙的地方做背景, 被周围的高楼,商业大厦,办公室所围绕, 配上一杯往往给人有chill 感觉的咖啡, 寓意为想chill 不一定要在一间装潢Chill, 或面对无敌海景先可以chill, 任何时间, 任何地点都可以, 只要你想, 那怕停一1秒

这个图还有另一个感受, 就是不要迷失, 对于已经于社会中拼博多年的社会人, 会不自然习惯了现在生活模式, 而忘记了自己本来的真实一面, 对于社会新鲜人为了自己康庄大道, 亦会选择忽略自己的特质, 当你突然有一秒, 抬头望上天时, 发觉自己已经被不同事物, 角色所包围, 只有向上望, 才能看见篮天,即要不断要上一级, 争取空间, 而这杯咖啡正正提醒你, 向上努力之余, 都要比时间自己, 不是指周六日的时间, 而是给自己内在小朋友的时间, 放空时间, 问一问自己, 你今天过得好吗?

Following is the translation


What is the feeling of that picture for your 1sight ? Only a cup of coffee with a city background?

Well, the background located at Macau business center and this is my favorite " Cold brew with Cold foam" , that taste is very miracle to me , coz that is not a heavy milky foam but with little bit smooth feeling, and drink with fresh cold brew, nice!!!

Have a cup of coffee is a kind of chill to me and that picture would like to express chill can be in anywhere and anytime, depends on your thought and feeling. Chill is not necessary to stay a cafe with beauty decoration or facing the sea, but can have chill in this surrounded by buildings or business centers if you want to have. It reminds you stop for a seconds, a moment or while and the chill is waiting for you.

The other meaning of this picture is don't lose yourself. Most of the rich experienced society people are merged into this normal, routine daily life , working status and eventually do not know their real face. Somehow want to escape from this seems stability life, but don't know where can go. For the fresh society people , they may ignore their original face and accept to live and work like that for their future. Suddenly look up the sky , you find out you are surrounded by different things or roles. You only know need to work hard to go up and have more freedom. This cup of coffee, reminding those experienced or fresh society people to leave some seconds, moment or while to your inner child with asking "How are you today?"

CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 授权


Little_YanForget,Forgive, Forever, Beloved
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