There are so many hackers in the Internet age

The account has been hacked again. . .

Two months ago, my steam game account was hacked. Email, phone number, password, etc. have all been changed. I can't log in to play the game. . . Ugh

But fortunately, I finally got my account back.

Today, two months later, the same thing happened again. The difference is that I didn't receive an email reminder. Before, there will be email reminders that the account password has been changed, the mobile phone number has been changed, etc. If it is not your operation, please take precautionary actions immediately. But this time I didn't receive anything and the account was hacked. There is no prompt for two-factor authentication on the phone.

This incident makes me feel that in this Internet age, no account is safe, and no system or software is safe. Because they can be hacked anytime, just not yet. . . We are not safe, whether in the online world or in the real world. The only thing we can do is to constantly strengthen our firewalls and protect the online accounts we have.


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