My Matters Achievement List

I've supported it a hundred times and still haven't gotten the lightning bolt

Everyone is playing, just follow the trend, and be happy to receive a small red envelope.

Take this achievement list to CUE @Matty, I have put coins more than 100 times, and I don't even see a shadow of lightning, although I haven't got lightning yet, since I have put coins 100 times, I will Unlock the achievement first.

The achievements that are unlocked in Matt are really too numerous to be loaded, only the other three are listed, and there is no time to sort out the other ones. Playing DISCORD is currently playing one game at a time. In fact, I am a little uncomfortable with the small font size and the interface that keeps jumping to notifications, so I will go up and take a look when I have time and my eyesight permits.

Tomorrow, I'm going to record a speech in the studio of the Lady's Bookstore. The last mile of the slideshow is waiting for me, so hurry up and wrap it up.


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

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蔡凱西Cathy Tsai | 蔡凱西 台北人 / 不專業旅人 / 流浪中的學術人 / 研究旅行史與旅行文化的不良歷史學徒/《後綴》假掰文青誌編輯群 在出門旅行、閱讀,與作古的旅記文本中持續穿越 佛系粉專: 合作邀約
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