LikeCoin main chain upgrade? Go to the center for publishing?

The work can be registered as a unique ISCN (International Standard Content Number), which is to make your articles in Matters an instant publication

I don’t know if you have noticed the email sent by Matters recently. The title says that the main chain of LikeCoin will be upgraded on 2021.08.18. The following is a part of the content of the first part of the email:

 ✉To all:
LikeCoin is about to meet a major event. Dozens of LikeCoin validators will work together to upgrade the LikeCoin main chain. In the future, LikeCoin will support the unique decentralized publishing function ISCN.
The author can register a unique ISCN for the work to record the detailed information of the work, including the author, registration date, authorization method, subject description, file location, etc. The function is like an NFT that records the metadata of the work. In fact, the next step of ISCN is exactly Evolved to NFT.
Decentralized Publishing (#DePub) is as important to humanity as Decentralized Finance (#DeFi), which decentralizes the flow of knowledge and the latter decentralizes the flow of assets.

When I received the letter, I just swept through it roughly without thinking about its meaning. It just happened that I was crazy about virtual currency and other related information in the past few days, and I also paid attention to the special characteristics of NFT (non-fungible token). It's worth it, so I quickly went back and read the content of this letter this evening. It's really amazing to see that the work can be registered as a unique ISCN (International Standard Content Number), which is to make your articles in Matters an instant publication. Some people may not understand what ISCN is, or have only heard of ISBN for books. You can go to " Digital Content ID Card: From ISBN to ISCN ", there are instructions for reference.

But what really concerns me is the next step of Matters, which is to evolve ISCN into NFT , which is a bolder and more visionary decentralization approach in addition to the Likecoin concept, breaking the previous digital asset preservation and value definition, The follow-up will certainly cause a sea change in the existing publications, and while it is impossible to predict what will change, it is certain that those of us who support Matters will be involved.

NFT ( Non-Fungible Token )

As for what is NFT, it is actually a kind of encrypted asset in simple terms. It is also an item derived from blockchain technology, but unlike virtual currency, which is in the form of currency, most of NFT is recorded in the form of pictures or audio files. , Usually we mention that NFTs are associated with artworks and collectibles, and each NFT represents a unique collectible item.

The reason why NFTs will rise in the near future is because there have been news reports that some works created by well-known artists or musicians in the form of NFTs have been auctioned to sky-high prices, causing widespread discussion. This is because NFTs are not just alternative virtual assets. , he can be set to be limited or unique , and blockchain technology makes the ownership of NFT truly limited , unlike other works of art that can be continuously copied by others, but the copyright issue cannot be clearly distinguished.

In addition, some games, such as CryptoKitties and PancakeSwap, have added NFT elements, making the props and characters in them tradable online commodities for people to collect, making the process of playing more profitable.

I believe that more related NFT types will be designed in the future, and I hope that Matters can evolve ISCN into NFT as soon as possible and change the way the entire knowledge is spread.


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想著退休的新鮮人從零開始學理財 什麼都不懂的我們,初出社會,被現實的世界牽著鼻子走,埋頭工作只求溫飽,但我們渴望掌握人生,追尋夢想,於是,讓自己從工作退休是我們的第一目標
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