Matters Mutual Heating Program in Matt City | Daily Earning 1 Like Coin Program (1)

Maybe you old people who have hundreds of likes every time you post think it's ridiculous, but for me, who has been in Matt City for about two months, I only earn 300 Like Coins every week for my hard work, and I can't help but feel sad when I think of it Come on, so I want to make a plan, I want everyone to have the same goal as me, to earn 1 Like Coin every day, the plan is as follows

Why is there such a whim? The reasons are all caused by the following picture...

"The income is less than the minimum withdrawal limit " How much can I withdraw? Suppose I want to have 1 Like Coin interest generated every day, use my engineer's mind to calculate

9% annual interest rate

How much should I save to receive 1 yuan per day?

That is to say, the goal is clear, but the reality is cruel, but it cannot be stagnant, so I decided to launch this project, which will be updated about once a week, and it will be pinned every time. If there are friends who participate in the like, I will share it with you. Reply once, and organize the link of the sponsored friend's article in the next top article, so that everyone can earn 1 Like Coin a day.


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