See tricks and tricks to crack the public opinion war routine between the United States and the West

China is like a prostitute, who made enough money for her whoring in the United States, showing off her fancy clothes, and now she looks down on her clients; but she took care of a Russian adulterer, and was insulted every three days. What's more shameless is to tell the whole village that the client is the real enemy, and the adulterer is better than an ally.

Destroying a tank is called "Great Victory"; annihilating 5,000 people and knocking down a city is called "handover".

Netizens found that Western media are very good at using words .

Someone on reddit said:

Why are they all talking about the loss of the Russian army, but the Ukrainian army can't hold it? Is this the legendary war of public opinion?

Modern warfare is "hybrid warfare", not only positional warfare and economic warfare, but also cognitive warfare and information warfare. The latter is even more intense than the former, and has a greater impact on the morale of the army and the people.

Source: Network

In the last article, we started with the six major routines used by American and Western public opinion . It is also not indecent to come and go. This article proposes five ways of playing, in order to see tricks and dismantle tricks, try to crack their routines, and throw bricks to attract jade.

1. Take the offensive as the defense and play a good active battle

You hit you, I hit mine.

The skill of Go is called Teng Nuo, the martial arts kung fu is called transfer of energy, and the military term is called Wei Wei to save Zhao.

In the face of the public opinion war, first of all, we must overcome the "defense mentality", abandon the "being a questioner" mentality, and do not rush to defend and respond, so as not to enter the opponent's preset battlefield and be led by the nose.

Offense is the best defense. It is necessary to systematically reshape the tactical tactics of information warfare and public opinion warfare, and take the initiative to set issues, dare to speak out, and deeply expose issues such as "governance paralysis", "political failure", "ethnic tear", and "populism" exposed by the United States and the West. The corruption of power, oligopoly, manipulation of public opinion, and inefficiency behind the "democracy facade" of the US and the West have exposed the ugly nature of the US and the West's hegemony, unilateralism, protectionism and other acts under the banner of "universal values", occupying the International moral commanding heights.

During the Beijing Winter Olympics, a think tank in China conducted research on the use of cyber robots in the US and the West to make rumors and attacks, exposing the tricks of the US and the West's black Chinese operations, and tearing down the hypocrisy of the anti-China forces.

We must take this as a reference to further understand the key areas, goals and means of the US and the West to create issues, spread rumors, and launch public opinion offensives against me, set issues forward, reserve ammunition for public opinion, actively carry out countermeasures, and change passive defense to active attack .

2. Be good at telling stories and fighting heart attacks

When you are on the battlefield, attack your heart and mind; tell a good story and get twice the result with half the effort.

The key to public opinion struggle is to build a credible, lovely and respectable image of China. To get there, a good story trumps a bunch of dry truths.

In 2021, a group of Asian elephants moving north has caused a wave of "all-people viewing", and relevant localities have taken advantage of the situation to tell good stories and spread them to the outside world. In the mainland, related topics have been hit more than 11 billion times, and more than 1,500 overseas media have published more than 3,000 reports. What is even more rare is that most foreign media reported with a positive attitude and spread Chinese stories to more than 180 countries and regions for us. Ningbo Xiangshan's "Rescue the Whale" related broadcast volume also reached 3.8 billion, becoming another phenomenon-level communication event after the "Elephant Traveling North", fully demonstrating the image of Zhejiang's "important window".

Overseas media reported Ningbo Xiangshan "Save the Whale"

Another example is that Li Ziqi has accumulated over 100 million followers on various platforms around the world. On YouTube, almost every video has more than 5 million views, which has made the world know a better and warmer China and won the hearts of countless foreign friends.

The common feature of the above cases is that the big themes are presented with small incisions, and the big truths are explained with small stories. In the war of public opinion and information, it is necessary to innovate the discourse system, pay attention to the art of method, integrate opinions into narrative, integrate stance into rhetoric, internalize values into layout, tell the story of the Chinese Communist Party well, and tell the Chinese people's good life well. Story, tell the story of "common prosperity" well, and offset the slander and slander of the American and Western media.

We should also make more friends, and invite more rational and friendly foreign friends to come in and take a look. Let them put China's great rivers and mountains into cameras and rich products into suitcases. Put it in your heart, use Westerners to tell Chinese stories well, and reduce misunderstandings and misunderstandings by the outside world.

3. Combining hard and soft to fight a protracted war

Public opinion warfare has existed since ancient times, and there have been various types of public opinion warfare in history. The embarrassment on all sides disintegrated Xiang Yu's military morale. The collection of books in the fish belly and the humming of bonfires and foxes made people think that Chen Sheng was the new king selected by the heavens.

Although these "techniques" are lively in the public opinion war, in fact, it is the "potential" of a higher latitude that determines the victory or defeat. "Potency" refers to hard power, as well as soft power such as the right to speak, credibility, communication and influence supported by hard power. The French philosopher Foucault believed: "The strength of discourse is determined by the strength of the speaker." Behind the ideological competition is the competition of national power and strength.

Facts speak louder than words and are the best smasher of rumors. Some forces in the United States and the West are producing anti-China lies in a "one-stop" flow. We must follow the right path, take high-quality development as the basis for solving all problems, and go all out to do a good job. On this basis, insist on speaking with facts, with figures, with the better and better life of the common people, with better and faster development than the United States and the West, and use irrefutable facts to discredit the rumors of some American and Western media Do not attack yourself.

While achieving fairer and more sustainable development, comprehensively improve the ability of social governance, so that the people can experience firsthand that “high-quality governance is the blessing of the people, and poor-quality democracy” It can only be the scourge of the people."

Fourth, build a platform to fight a good positional war

Social platforms have become the main battlefield and main front of the public opinion war. In the era of social media, wanting to win the battle of public opinion without a communication platform is tantamount to building a castle on the beach. During the Russia-Ukraine conflict, platforms such as YouTube and Facebook "banned" and "banned" Russian media accounts, and international public opinion was almost "one-sided".

Platforms such as Twitter have long been eyeing our media, adding special labels to Chinese media accounts, implying "untrustworthy", but not adding labels to Western media such as the British BBC and the American NPR.

Source: Network

In view of the fact that most of the battles of public opinion are in the hands of others, while standardizing the development of platform companies, we should make social platforms with international influence bigger and stronger, and create a “social platform” that can compete with Facebook, Twitter, etc. "aircraft carrier", to promote the voyage to sea, and to provide guarantee for the voice of China.

In addition to building the "Big Mac" aircraft carrier, there are also a large number of cruisers, ice-breaking speedboats, etc., to build a fleet that can go out to sea and speed up the formation of a national-provincial-city three-level linkage, official-civilian complementary communication matrix, when the official V In the event of being sniped, non-governmental forces and individual self-media can move to fight, forming a pattern of thousands of ships going to sea, and winning the people's war that spreads to the outside world.

5. Break the rules and locks and play a good technical war

Digital technology has become the latest bargaining chip in the geopolitical game and a key variable in the strategic competition of great powers. Among them, the international cyber regulation power in the hands of the United States and the West is the ultimate move in the public opinion war.

What if the United States and the West unilaterally stop Domain Name System (DNS) services? It's hard to imagine that the battle is about to break out, and you are fully armed but excluded from the battlefield. How to fight such a battle?

When online robots use one to ten, "5+2" and "white plus black" to concoct issues and make noise, "millet plus rifle" and "close-to-body combat" can no longer adapt to the new battlefield and new enemies.

Only technology can defeat technology. Russia predicted the opponent's prediction. As early as 2019, the Russian government formulated and implemented the "Sovereign Internet Law" to create independent Internet technology facilities. Even if the United States and the West do cut off Russia's connection to global servers one day, its domestic network will still be able to operate independently. This act of "self-persecution" in those days seems all the more necessary now.

russian domain name .ru

We should advocate the establishment of a more democratic, equitable and pluralistic global network mechanism and network infrastructure, and not allow others to "shut down" at will. At the same time, it is necessary to keep a back-up, accelerate the construction of a more stable and secure sovereign Internet, and accelerate the domestic replacement of core technologies such as chips and operating systems to deal with network blockades in extreme cases. At the same time, technologies should be developed to effectively counteract public opinion warfare tools such as network robots.

Time and momentum are on our side, and we must establish the confidence to win. In the face of the public opinion warfare routines of the United States and the West, we will plan great and practical tactics, effectively crack the countermeasures, overcome the enemy and win at the critical moment, and let the Western anti-China public opinion building built on the basis of lies fall down and completely.


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