What if the weather is too hot? Yang Jianfu: Let me tell you a few simple tricks!

Yang Jianfu teaches you three simple ways to prevent heat stroke
Hot weather in Australia is causing wildfires. Photo / provided by Yang Jianfu

Three points to prevent heat stroke

Yang Jianfu appeals to remember the following to prevent heat stroke:

1. Keep cool:

(1) Wear light, light-colored, loose-fitting, breathable clothing.

(2) Do not leave infants in closed, parked vehicles for long periods of time.

(3) Try to stay in a cool, ventilated or air-conditioned place indoors. If there is no air conditioner at home, find an air-conditioned public place to dissipate heat when the temperature is high.

(4) Install blackout curtains indoors, avoid direct sunlight, and turn off unnecessary lights and electrical equipment to prevent heat generation.

(5) Employers should improve ventilation facilities or use air conditioners to isolate high-temperature equipment in the workplace, and install cooling devices to reduce thermal radiation to the workplace.

2. No matter how active you are, drink water, never wait until you are thirsty

Make sure to drink plenty of water every day. Photo / provided by Yang Jianfu

Drink plenty of water and get into the habit of drinking at least 2,000cc of hot water a day. However, if your doctor recommends that you limit your intake, ask your doctor how much you should drink when the weather is hot.

(1) It is recommended that people working or exercising outdoors add 2-4 cups (1 cup is 240cc) of boiled water every hour, and avoid alcohol and tobacco.

(2) Vegetables and fruits are rich in water, vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber. You can eat more fruits and vegetables to promote good health.

(3) To prevent water loss in the body, do not add alcohol or sugar-sweetened beverages.

(4) Avoid drinking too cold water to avoid stomach discomfort.

3. Be vigilant:

(1) Outdoor workers, athletes and confined space workers should always pay attention to the physical condition of themselves and their colleagues, and take appropriate rest and replenish water.

(2) Infants and young children should avoid going out between 10:00 am and 2:00 pm, and take measures such as walking in the shade, applying sunscreen, wearing a wide-brimmed hat, and wearing sunglasses.

(3) By installing a thermometer indoors, keep track of the indoor temperature, avoid physical discomfort caused by excessive indoor temperature, always pay attention to the weather forecast released by the Japan Meteorological Agency, and choose a day with lower temperature for outdoor activities.

(4) Check whether the air conditioning equipment in your home or office is working properly.

(5) In order to prevent employees from being burned, the employer should provide a suitable working environment and related protective measures, publicize the prevention of burns, adjust working hours, inform employees of burn symptoms, and arrange relevant courses for employees to understand. Enhanced burn protection.

Related websites:

Mountaineering Tips - Yang Jianfu https://reurl.cc/kE08ZL

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