PikaSer LikeCoin Writing NFT Tool

The function is very preliminary, because the API of Writing NFT itself is also very preliminary


Because someone wrote LikeCoin Writing NFT Search Widget

So why can't I use it for reference?



The bottom of the page, although it may be moved to the past motion later

really can't find it


The page looks like this

Reference/ Copying Sources

1) https://docs.like.co/developer/likenft/api-reference

But in fact, some Endpoints (what are they called in Chinese) are not written here, so there are

2) https://github.com/likecoin/likecoin-nft-dashboard

Official tool (but I use it as an example


Will use the name of the metadata first, then the name of the NFT itself (and remove the leading "Writing NFT - ")

You cannot enter multiple creator addresses to search at one time, you can only search them one by one

Haven't written yet to only search for a function from a certain time ago

Sort is newest on top

There is no paging function (there is no API itself, if you develop it yourself, you haven't started writing it yet.

Will look into what else can be improved in the coming weeks...

But don't expect XD


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