Repost of the old article "Portraits of Characters: Simplified Green Maggots - Green Mirror Version of Wumao"

Lin Weifeng, the husband of Yang Min, the deputy director of the DPP's community center in charge of the Internet, was exposed and became a laughing stock on PTT. Taking advantage of this incident, I will repost the old post from two years ago, and reminisce about the green and five-haired style of the year with the Matters.

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Lin Weifeng was arrested and his wife was in charge of the Green Community Center Guo Zhengliang angrily rebuked: Cockroach Nest

Old text original time machine archive

Character Portrait: Simplified Green Maggot - Green Mirrored Version of Wumao

Pincong hasn't released a new project for a while, so let's exciting it today.

Normal people can see that the new green onion has been reprinted by low-quality repeated questions in recent months. But the scallion version is not Wumao from the mainland, but the green maggots from the Republic of Taiwan who pretend to be mainlanders in simplified form. In short, it is the green mirror version of the CCP's 50 cents.

Although Pincong’s users claim to be highly stealthy, in fact, no matter how stealthy they are, it’s easy to judge a person’s cultural background and level of knowledge during interaction. This is the key to identifying whether simplified users are from the mainland or green maggots. Green maggots cannot disguise and have no IQ to disguise. In fact, everyone already knows who you are, but you just didn't point it out.

Similarities between Simplified Green Maggot and Wumao

1. Abusive : Simplified green maggots, like Wumao, are sailors. The purpose of sailors is not to communicate but to exert one-way influence. The most important point is to treat the other party as an enemy, intending to lead a war. I think whether a user is well-intentioned or malicious, the difference is very obvious.

2. Low intelligence : Low intelligence is an external manifestation of lack of love and cost saving, specifically the use of templated and repetitive questions that are useful for naval forces. The purpose of the navy is to attack, not to have friendly or sincere discussions.

3. The purpose of the unified command is clear: the green maggots and Wumao in simplified characters all have a unified command, and the coordinated operation will reduce the quality of the forum. The main purpose of the green-haired navy is to unanimously forward the negative news of the mainland and the CCP, and simply and rudely promote the aunts. Xi Jinping's words are low-level red and high-level black.

How do you distinguish between discussions of differing political views and planned editions?

Don't be afraid to compare goods without knowing the goods. The quality of the old green onions is there, the quality of 2049bbs is there, and even the quality of China_irl is there. By contrast, you can see which one is a discussion because of different political views, and which one is a version wash for the purpose of insulting and disgusting.

Unique features of Simplified Green Maggot:

1 Lack of common sense and ungrounded. This is the difference between a real auntie powder like Gouzhu and the green maggot navy, everyone should pay attention to the distinction. Simplified Green Maggots often make some common-sense mistakes in mainland culture and expose themselves, so they try to avoid social attempts to touch the mainland, and limit the topic to very empty questions and conceptual answers.

2 days of debridement and finesse. The ideological fingerprint of true Taiwan independence is very different from normal Chinese. One bite of a person from your country is often disgusting little pink, but this is completely different from the back and forth of Taiwanese independent fans.

3 Fear the blue sky and the white sun flag. Rejecting the Republic of China is also the ideological fingerprint of true Taiwan independence. The Blue Sky and White Sun Flag condenses the history of the Chinese nation's resistance to Japan. Chinese people all over the world, including CCP members, have a special feeling for the Blue Sky and White Sun Flag. Only Taiwan independence is most afraid of and least wants to see this flag. Therefore, we also found a special phenomenon. Whenever the blue sky and white sun flag appeared on the homepage of the new green onion, the simplified green maggots immediately became active, and a lot of problems were pushed to the bottom.

Although the Simplified Green Maggot is a navy, maybe you are here to taste the green onions just to complete the task given to you by the Green Party and get through the painful time of being a younger brother at the bottom of the party, but I still give you some advice:

1 Taiwan Independence has gone bankrupt, and the top DPP leaders have been implementing their own shipwreck plans. As long as you are loyal to the party, do you think the party is training you to be an air force? There is no future in being assigned this role. Besides, the Green Party is about to cross, you should learn from other comrades and jump on Ke P's boat as soon as possible.

2 To get promoted in the party and make a fortune, the first depends on the relationship, and the second depends on the talent. Being assigned to pretend to be a mainlander like you is a job with no future, and after working together for so long and pretending not to be a mainlander, it shows that you are an idiot who has poor learning, low understanding, and can’t find online resources. , this road is not for you. Today, your party has forgotten its original intention. It is a waste of life to stay in the Green Party to mix up qualifications. It is better to join the brothers to have a future. Take time to read some books, learn some real skills, or go to Beidri in the future.

3 If you can read the scriptures of democracy well, we are actually welcome. Unfortunately, you are not good at learning and have lost your old skills. Learn the kung fu of three-legged cats. The scriptures of democracy were put on the shelf by you as ancestors, and you didn't read them carefully.

4 If you really can't find another way out, read the Bible, attend a Bible study class, and pray to the Lord Jesus. The Lord will teach you to be a new person and show you the way. I'm not joking with you, the Green Party's way of death and way of life are both revealed in the Bible, but God will only give wisdom to those who actively seek it.


Two months after this old article was written, I wrote an article about the CCP’s 50 cents. However, the website in the article is said to be closed, and the subreddit mod has undergone several rounds of changes.

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