📦 Salsa Daily|Life Notes: Unboxing! Spring enjoys a good time, corner biological book-shaped lunch box.

🐾🐈 Mousha feels that she may lose her mind when she sees "すみっコぐらし"! (つд⊂)|📦 Unboxing~Unboxing✦The box I opened this time is a 7-11 Activity Book Bento Box❤ (*ˇωˇ*People)

❀ Antecedent summary❀

Recently I discovered the gathering event of 7-11 supermarket " Spring Rewards Good Times " ~
As soon as I saw it was a "corner creature" (corner companion)...
Mousha's wallet was half opened by herself. (´∩ω∩`)

This is really scary! Every time you pass by, use your willpower to tell yourself:

  • "No need, no need, some things you won't use even if you buy them."

Until the squirrel moved last week, Mousha had a reason to convince herself, an excuse mile✦
You can find squirrels to eat every week. You need a container that is not too big, and is resistant to fall and heat...
It's better to also come with cutlery. It's even better to have bubble noodles , so I really gave it a defeat! (つд⊂)

Thanks to the friends who sponsored Mousha's seven points, so that Mousha successfully pre-ordered this book-shaped lunch box.
At the beginning, I was struggling to choose purple or yellow for a long time, because I liked the yellow pattern and the purple color scheme.囧mm

❀ Out of the box meow❀

After pre-ordering with the store, it will arrive in about 3-4 days.
Compared with the " Kanahera Folder " that I started last year, it is really much faster!
Then I looked at the time of the post, it happened half a year later.

Whoops, almost off topic.
In short, after handing over the pre-order form to the clerk, the other party directly took the box to certain Sha.


When I first got it, the outer box was a little dirty. (ㆆᴗㆆ)
But the important thing is that the items inside are in good condition, and the outer packaging has to be removed anyway, which is fine. 🤭


Although I prefer the yellow pattern, I chose the purple one later.
Because the purple model looks more pleasing to the eye, but unfortunately the purple model has a smaller cat. _(:3 ”∠ )_


The outer packaging is marked with the scope of application.
It shows that the outer shell of the lunch box is made of plastic, but the inside is a stainless steel inner layer.


Details on the contents are on the back of the package.
The capacity of the bento box is 500 ml, and it is recommended to fill it up to 350 ml.
And then it's made in China, hopefully the stainless steel is real stainless steel.囧mm
However, since it is a 7-11 cooperation event object, it should not be fake! 🤭

After all, I saw some very cheap and advertised 304 stainless steel lunch boxes in Shopee, less than NT$ 200~
Some buyers found out that it was fake! It was found that the black thing was plated with a silver metal film. ∑(ι´Дン)ノ


After the contents were taken out, they were wrapped in a thin plastic bag. (*°ω°*ฅ)*


The lunch box comes with a tonal drawstring that stretches just the right length.
Although the tightness of the cover of the book lunch box itself is enough, I may still worry about the user's hand overturning it XDDD


hum hum ......
Small flaws found! Meow meow meow!ヽ(`Д´)ノ
Don't think I can't see you hiding behind the girdle! (☍﹏⁰.)

Well, had to hide it behind the girdle as if it wasn't seen. (´;ω;`)ヾ(・∀・`)


Comes with small and cute cutlery, just the right size for little hand salsa. 🤭
And it happens to be a contrasting color of purple, so it is less likely to have a protective color problem when placed nearby!


There is a small hole in the handle tail of the cutlery, which is just enough for the bump of the lunch box.
In this way, you don't have to worry about losing the tableware XDD

Then, it is no wonder that the recommended capacity is 350 ml. It is hoped that the user should consider the volume of the tableware!
But if you use bubble noodles, you will naturally pull it out, so it doesn't look bad (?)


Inside the stainless steel lunch box is a sign that says "Please do not microwave" .
This made certain Sha think of the video that came from a friend who gave certain activity points to certain Sha a few days ago. 🤣🤣🤣

Youtuber @ DeluCat <br class="smart">Video URL: https://youtu.be/U3mHhWWzmy0
【Youtuber @ DeluCat 迪鲁】https://youtu.be/U3mHhWWzmy0

At that time, a certain Sha laughed crookedly! 🤣🤣🤣
Because my friend was also looking for the appearance of the bento box, I asked if the corner creature was plastic and could it be microwaved.
Recently, the other party needs to use a microwave oven, and it seems that the glass bento box is broken a while ago (?)

In short, Mousha found out that it was metal, so she didn't persuade her to lose. 🤭


Put a 330 ml bottle of honey milk and confirm that there is still volume left.
Visually, there is still 1xx ml of space, which seems to be roughly consistent with the information written on the outer packaging~

Finally, put the pattern on the front of the bento box!


Tutu also said "please enjoy" to White Bear. 😇

By I'm lazy and don't want to draw and run to open the box <br class="smart">You can try it tomorrow to see if it can be used for bubble noodles XDD

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