The language of gossip/curses and blessings, and beliefs.


There has been a saying in the body and mind circle for nearly ten years: "We bless him."

It comes from the belief in the earth that "thoughts do not distinguish between good and evil, they will be returned to the creator three times." That is to say, if I curse the person who knocked hot coffee on my lap today, I can't get a taxi when I go out. The result of the refund could be that I lost all means of transportation, or that the car called made me an hour and a half late or something.

Beliefs, or thoughts, and thoughts themselves are actually neither good nor evil, just in terms of cosmic logic. Good and evil are the definitions given by humans, just like we wouldn't say that it is evil for female spiders to eat their own mating objects, that is the natural law of living beings, and spiders are like that. But if a woman kills her spouse after falling in love, you can imagine what headlines will be on the news, and how society will talk about "that crazy murderer."

Because of this "rebound effect", when something bad happens, or someone does something unpleasant, people in the circle gradually develop a habit of laughing and saying, "It's okay, we bless him when they gossip. That's good, I wish him a smooth passage through his subject."

Are such blessings really based on blessings? I think the core beliefs, the "motivation" that motivates them, are what really matter.

Human society has an exclusivity unmatched by other creatures, especially at the level of spirituality and belief. I considered joining Christianity, the monotheism that seemed closest to the core of my faith at the time, but after a few Sunday school I gave up because I couldn't tolerate any discrimination in the name of love, and I couldn't Accept the core idea of "all but me are false gods". Human belief comes from admiration, and firm belief has always been a tough barrier, which can eliminate all evil and bring in all light.

In the end, I chose the earth belief in South America, which is very close to the shamanic belief, but there are not so many rituals and behaviors. It is reasonable to infer that it should be derived from the shamanic belief. The core of my belief is that the so-called "Tao" is within me, and we are all children of God—a cat's child is still a cat, a cow's child is still a cow, so the child of God is still God, and we all have divinity within us , as long as we return to ourselves and see ourselves, we have infinite power.

Everyone has choices, and free will is the most powerful and noble force we have. When we choose what to say to others, or give curses and blessings, based on "the world is our projection", we are actually saying those words to ourselves, so those curses and blessings will end up in us.

Everyone who learns the body and mind or takes responsibility for their own practice knows that they should use their words carefully, and should be conscious and clear about what they are doing when interfering with others (actually, everything is the same).

Based on these beliefs, I would like to say, bless those who speak with malice or dissatisfaction, may all issues bring growth and not just suffering, may all disputes end peacefully, the meaning of all learning will eventually return to clarity, and all knowledge and Comprehension returns to me. ohm.


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