The "eighty full" philosophy of stock investment | Am I a "stock" physical therapist? ! (six)


In fact, it is not difficult to find, no matter what the previous article said

" left or right ",

There is no trading method that can "buy the lowest, sell the highest",

(Of course, the market has no "absolute" high or low, so the high and low here refers to the "band high and low" within its own "cycle")

The reason is that in addition to this price usually only the main "have a chance" to do it,

The most important thing is to " reduce risks and ensure profits "!

Remember in " Not just a physiotherapist | I'm a "stock" physiotherapist? ! (1) "

Does it mention that I have ever lost a lot of money?

At that time, I just started to contact short-term investment, and the trading cycle was shortened all of a sudden.

The mentality is still stuck in long-term thinking ,

leading to successive losses...

(For details, you can go back and read " Stock investment, "cycle" is very important! | I am a physical therapist in the "stock" department?! (4) " Oh!)

One of the deals that impressed me the most

It was at that time that the " 5G " issue had just begun to be discussed vigorously, and 2345 Zhibang was also on the topic at that time.

Although this fundamental is definitely not related to 5G,

But at that time, I just wanted to follow a wave of the market,

Approaching the market with technical analysis with little talent and half-skilled knowledge,

"As soon as you enter the market, you earn money! Technical analysis is my life!"

The next day after buying it, it went up by another 4%!

Let me at that time firmly believe that I bought at the " starting point ",

I have even been thinking about how much money I can make if it goes up by 10%...

But the next day, the stock price fell directly below my cost price,

Remuneration from positive to negative,

"How is it possible, the prospects are so good, it must be the main force who is shuffling chips..."

In the next few days, the stock price officially rose,

After rising until the unrealized profit and loss reached about 18%,

A sudden reversal and decline scared me to sell outright,

The profit is about 15%,

Then the stock price fell for two days.

"I really am a genius, and I can make a profit of 15% in a short time just after the operation!"

And then... keep going!

Unwilling , I re-entered the market at the starting point that I thought at the time,

Then there is another "first rise and then fall", falling below the cost price,

The same routine, the same thought is just "squatting first and then jumping",

So -7%, -10%... all the way to -19%,

"No way, if you lose any more, you'll lose tens of thousands..."

Finally I can't stand to sell , from earning to accompany ...

What is even more frustrating is that Zhibang hit a new high again later.

and along the upward trend all the way up,

Until now, I have never returned to the stock price of the first purchase of Zhibang...

This harrowing experience really took me for a while

" Post-traumatic syndrome beaten by the main force "!

After buying, as long as there is a little trouble, you will go out directly.

As a result, "small losses" all the way,

After a long day of work, it's empty...

In fact, it is not difficult to find:

There is no problem with the timing of selling on the first 15% profit; no problem with entering again;

Even the profit that I didn't get after going up all the way is not my business,

The real problem is that there is no " close as soon as you see it, or as soon as you see it ".

We can never "buy the lowest, sell the highest" ,

Looking at the rise and fall of the same stock from different angles and cycles may yield completely different answers.

What you think is the low point may already be the high point in the eyes of others;

You think you're selling high enough, but you don't know that there's still higher...

So today, I entered the market with short-term thinking, and when there is a signal of falling back and exiting on the short-term band, I will exit the market.

Even if you lose some of your profit;

I believe in fundamentals and future potential, don't care about short-term fluctuations and let the bullets fly for a while,

Sell when the fundamentals are bad for a long time, even if it soars for a while later, you don't have to feel a pity.

Because the level of stock prices has always only been " relative ",

Find a "relatively favorable" position on your "own battlefield" to enter and exit, and

" Guaranteed Profit " is a qualifying operation.

However, we can strive to " buy relatively low, sell relatively high ",

Let the fish heads and tails up and down be given to the strong and local tyrants in the market!

The flesh of the fish is what you should get !

As the Japanese god of stock market is Sichuan Yinzang said :

"No one can predict the highs and lows, so invest only 80% full"! !

I'm Baker, I'm a physiotherapist, and I'm not just a physiotherapist.

The Fortune Quadrant ESBI tells us:

Wealth freedom depends on "passive income", which must be an entrepreneur or an investor,

I'm still in the E quadrant, and I'm a member of the S quadrant,

Although it is currently unable to cross the B quadrant, it is also a member of the I quadrant.

It doesn't matter when you suddenly realize, as long as you don't limit yourself, you and I are both on the road to wealth and freedom.

Let's do it together, before the freedom of wealth...

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