Liar, a special talent


Deception, a thing no one likes; how many people like to be deceived by someone they think is close?

The answer is no one.

But everyone lies, and parents always like to deceive their children, using all kinds of excuses to make their children obey orders.

In Guangdong, children like to be on their own, they like to spend the night with their friends, and their parents will lobby for a "mysterious person" to come and capture them. It is the same in Europe, where witches come to catch children who are old and do not sleep.

A liar is a talent, deception is a talent, a natural talent for human beings, have you ever told a lie? You can say that you don't have..., there is no possibility!

Many people around me have also encountered different scammers, telling them on online dating platforms that they want to be their friends, but you don’t even know their true colors. I wonder why you believe them?

It has also happened many times in Hong Kong and Macau. The phone scammers imitated the people around them while chatting with the elderly and were detained by the criminal organization, which made them very worried, and finally went to the bank to take out all the money and remit it to another scammer. The bank account, of course, the liar made a lot of money, and it was hard work for the elderly to earn money through a lifetime of hard work.

Not only that, but there are often fraudulent behaviors among friends, that is, it is agreed early in the morning that a certain day and a certain time will come out to chat, and finally when you arrive at the destination and wait for a long time, you find that your friend has simply forgotten the meeting he proposed, and is still there. The house just didn't come out - could this be considered a scam?

There are still many people who believe that the so-called job opportunities on the Internet arrive at a certain location to help some people who do not know do so-called work, and finally find out whether these jobs are actually formal industries, and may be illegal.

There are often some suspected beggars on the streets of London. Some people are young and do not seem to be very sophisticated. They are sitting on their knees at some important exits, holding a sign and a cup in their hands. They are dressed in very dilapidated clothes and talk about their past. , how miserable, there are still a lot of relatives at home who are not taken care of, etc...

You really don't know these people, how do you know what they say is true or false?

Sometimes you say that I am cold-blooded. It is because of many lessons that I have become like this. Whose fault is this?

In many cases, the promises made by the oral class have no express provisions, no paper, and are all based on words. How many times are they worth believing? He might say he forgot, he might be too busy, he might have asked someone else to do it - but he didn't, so whose fault is it after all?

Did you never tell any lies to you when you met classmates who called you brothers at school?

Make an appointment where you go, but don't show up in the end, or have some other purpose.

Sometimes you know how things are not going, but you deliberately add salt and vinegar to things in front of the other party.

Sometimes friendship between humans is not complete, especially when you go into society.

He was once considered a good person, but was deceived many times by beggars on the street. Many people always said how incompetent they were, but they made a lot of money behind their backs. They deceived others about their own identity and let them I think they have no bottom line, bottom line and face!

I used to be very nervous to tell the teachers in charge of me in the school that I would like to go to school, I asked them to help me get my grades quickly, this is because I have never received my grades, but the school said that it should have been sent a long time ago. As a result, the other side kept procrastinating, but it was actually not that difficult, but they made it very difficult. I had promised me that I would be able to get my grades in half a month, so I told the master university that I was going to wait for a while but in the end It took a full two and a half months for a formal reply, which made the third-party master's university think I was lying...

So what is a liar? This is a great question! Have you ever told any lies? Did you try to hide something? If so, can I call you a liar too?


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寫作之貓2022 年開始寫作,22 在布里斯托學習歷史, 一個武術家、歷史學家、作家,一個仔細考慮自己未來的人,喜歡享受。 源自亞洲,崛起於歐洲。
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