【How to Improve Your Concentration: Learn to Embrace Boredom】

"Two Ways to Overcome Your Desire for Distraction and Improve Your Concentration"

Everyone should have an experience, that is, when you encounter difficulties in work or study, you can't help but want to pick up the mobile phone and slide it when you see the mobile phone on the table. This happens to me sometimes.

Of course locking the phone in a drawer and taking it to another room would be a good idea, but Deep Work provides us with a few ways to really improve our focus, not external forces.

"Two Ways to Overcome Your Desire for Distraction and Improve Your Concentration"

1. Schedule your distractions.

If we can't really give up our phones, it's important to clearly define the time line between deep work and laziness.

You can use the "pomodoro work method", a time cycle of 90 minutes of seriousness and 10 minutes of rest, and slowly cultivate your attitude of distinguishing between seriousness and leisure.

2. Manage the time you spend on the Internet after get off work.

Everyone should be very accustomed to swiping their mobile phones when waiting for the bus after get off work, checking Facebook when waiting for friends, and swiping IG when waiting for a meal. This actually creates a habit of switching distractions whenever you get bored.

This is harmful to personal deep thinking, because deep thinking requires a long period of time and requires a lot of brain exploration. Once you use a mobile phone, your attention is immediately sucked away.

Try refusing to take time out of these segments and leave the brain to think a little more. Even if you don't think, it's OK, because the unconscious mind will work automatically, in short, it's good to leave some blank time for the brain!


The basic idea of both strategies above is that using distracting web services doesn't by itself detract from your brain's ability to focus.

What really detracts from focus is being between "low-stimulation, high-value activities," (deep work), and "high-stimulation, low-value activities" (using the Internet) whenever you feel bored or cognitively challenged. By switching, you are teaching your mind that lack of freshness cannot be tolerated.

Let yourself get used to not being interested in these highly stimulating messages. Naturally, we can be more focused and efficient at work and save work time; after get off work, we also have a more in-depth interaction with family members and friends. The overall situation is constantly positive Circular!

Do you have any other good ways to restrain distraction? Feel free to share in the comments below!


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