Analyze 5 classic advertising [English slogans] to write 5 steps and 8 [slogan generator] to help you write an excellent brand slogan!

Today, we will explore the "5 classic brand slogans" recognized as influential in advertising history, tell you 5 steps to help you write a good "brand slogan", and introduce 8 "slogan generators" to help you create easy-to-remember, suitable A business slogan that communicates the main appeal you want consumers to know about. In terms of marketing, "the right slogan will be implemented to the end, and a first-class brand will be achieved"; in terms of learning English, "a good slogan will be called a lot, and a first-class English will be achieved." , read slogan a few times, and naturally you can learn the essence of English sentences

In brand marketing, a slogan is a "slogan or slogan" that represents a product or a company. A good slogan can convey the core value provided by the brand, not only make consumers remember you, but also differentiate it from your competitors and keep your brand in a leading position. , it can also motivate employees to the core concept of the company and enhance the kinetic energy of the company. Although not every company needs a slogan, slogan is only one part of brand communication, but every brand needs to set a communication theme to continue the entire communication strategy and subsequent messages and content to be conveyed. It can be seen that slogan has a decisive influence on an enterprise or organization, but how to develop a "right" brand slogan is the key point that enterprises should think about.

Today, let's explore the "5 major corporate classic brand slogans" recognized as influential in advertising history, including Nike, Apple, Coca-Cola, L'Oreal, De Beers, and tell you 5 steps to help you write a great "brand slogan" , and introduce 8 "slogan generators" to help you create easy-to-remember and suitable business slogans to convey the main appeals you want consumers to understand. In terms of marketing, "the right slogan will be implemented to the end, and a first-class brand will be achieved"; in terms of learning English, "a good slogan will be called a lot, and a first-class English will be achieved." , read slogan a few times, you can naturally learn the essence of English sentences, and even apply it to your attitude in life.

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Five of the most recognized classic English corporate "slogans" in advertising history

Slogans are a common form of advertising. What familiar corporate slogans can you remember? A good slogan can stand the test of time. The brand spirit is like the soul of an enterprise. A "right" slogan can increase the effectiveness of brand communication and support the value of the brand. Now let's take a look at the "Five Classic Brand Slogans" that are recognized as influential in the history of advertising, and understand why these slogans are popular? Why is it attractive? Why is it effective and influential?

1. Just Do It Do it right! —Nike (1988)

The concept of "Just Do It" actually came from Gary Gilmore, a serial killer in Portland, United States. At that time, the United States once abolished the death penalty, and Gilmore was the first person sentenced to death after the reinstatement of the death penalty, which caused great concern in the society. In the end, Gilmore The last words before dying were the short "Let's do it", leaving only a light sentence to end his short life.

In 1988, Nike wanted to further develop the market for the younger generation. At that time, Dan Wieden, the director of the advertising company, thought that the brand's next advertising campaign needed a slogan. Remembering Gilmore's last words "Let's do it", this kind of anxiety about life and death must be raised again. The courage to face, just like the consciousness of every athlete standing on the field, is very in line with the sports spirit that Nike wants, a personality that is unrestrained, daring, and does not stick to worldly vision, so he combined this sentence with the Nancy Reagan advertising campaign "Just Say No", changed let's to just to strengthen the appeal and tone, and the popular "Just Do It" was born.

The slogan "Just Do It" became very popular after its launch. People wearing "Just Do It" T-shirts on the streets also endorsed by many star athletes such as Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, Cristiano Ronaldo, Serena Williams And Roger Federer, etc., successfully created one classic advertisement after another, and also made "Just Do It" a household sentence. Today, the "Just Do It" spiritual slogan has been more than 30 years old, and "Just Do It" has undoubtedly become the core of Nike's brand. The "2020 World's Most Valuable Clothing Brand Ranking" announced by Brand Finance was once again won by Nike. First, the brand value is as high as 34.792 billion US dollars, and it has won the championship for 7 consecutive years. Nike merchandise is well-designed, but the impressive statement "Just Do it" is definitely a legendary dogma in the business world. It not only represents the spirit of courage to move forward, but also inspires young generations to bravely step out of their comfort zone. It is also a declaration of fearlessness for people to face the difficulties in life.

Nike Just Do It first commercial
2. Think Different - Apple (1997)

This classic quotation seems ungrammatical. Think is a verb, why is it not followed by an adverb differently? Think differently is to think in a different way. Jobs thinks that think different is to think about the subject of being different. This is the positioning of Apple.

In 1997, Steve Jobs (Steve Jobs) launched the first brand image advertisement after his return to Apple, Think Different, the content of the advertisement was partly from the works of American novelist Jack Kerouac (Jack Kerouac) Written by Jobs himself, some great people in history can be seen in the film, including Einstein, Gandhi, Picasso, Edison, Chaplin and others, they are all creative, adventurous, not afraid of failure, dare to do something different. Immediately after its launch, the Think Different advertising video created a sensation, and it was also the key to Apple's successful transformation. It cultivated Apple's core values, and Apple is committed to making the highest quality products, rather than striving for the most.

Today, insisting on the implementation of Think Different is still a beacon of Apple, and the advertisement description of that year also symbolizes the legends and achievements created by Jobs in his life. Don't be afraid of making mistakes in life, and living your own life bravely is the most important thing.

TV commercial voiced by Steve Jobs conveys Think Different
3. Open Happiness - Coca-Cola (2009)

Coca-Cola frequently changes its slogan. Among them, the 7-year-old slogan "Open Happiness" has been used the longest in recent years and can best represent the marketing of the digital age. Affected by the economic crisis in 2008, when sales of Coca-Cola beverages declined, changing the slogan was a common practice for Coca-Cola to seek breakthroughs. Open Happiness goes from the practical side of beverages to the spiritual side, focusing on communication strategies that evoke consumers' feelings, arouse the vision of "comfort and optimism", and cultivate consumer brand loyalty. The spirit of the Open Happiness brand is that even in the current difficulties, as long as you open your heart, you can always enjoy the simple happiness of a cup of Coca-Cola in your life and make life better. The campaign's Facebook page eventually garnered more than 50 million likes, which also led to significant sales growth for Coca-Cola.

Open Happiness ads shape the brand value of abstract elements such as happiness, joy, friendship, etc.

In 2010, the "Happiness Machine", which extends the concept of "Open Happiness", was launched. The advertising team and Coca-Cola built a small room behind the vending machine in the student lounge of a university for two days on the weekend, installed 5 cameras, and then let things go. Unfolding on its own, these real events brought the film to life, and Coca-Cola managed to go viral on social media without spending any publicity dollars, thanks to exciting creative content.

Coca-Cola's Happiness Machine that surprises life
4. Because You're Worth It—L'Oreal (1973)

Written by a female writer in the 1970s, the phrase was revolutionary in the male-dominated advertising industry, empowering women. Joanne Dusseau was the first model to use "because you're worth it" in an ad for L'Oreal Paris, which ends with Actually I don't mind spending more for L'Oreal because I'm worth it. Successfully convincing consumers that they deserve the best, and the best hair dye is L'Oreal. After the advertisement was launched, it immediately aroused the recognition and resonance of a large number of women, became the sales champion of the hair dye market at that time, and also became a strong feminist declaration.

Because You're Worth It symbolizes L'Oreal's commitment to celebrating the diversity of beauty, regardless of age, race, background, gender and creed, each of us is unique, even in the days when you don't feel it, your worth is forever exist. More than half a century later, the slogan has been translated into 40 languages, and the slogan's influence and popularity are still strong, and it still resonates with women around the world, inspiring women of all ages.

L'oreal 1973 - Because you deserve inspiration
5. A Diamond is Forever

The Great Depression of the 1930s led to a decline in diamond sales. In 1948, ad writer Mary Frances Gerety, penetrating fears of disillusionment in love, wrote A Diamond is Forever to emphasize the emotional and eternal romance one can get from owning a diamond. The impression of "unstoppable" is transformed into the purchase of "commitment and guarantee", symbolizing eternal emotions.

As soon as the clever slogan A Diamond is Forever came out, the marketing was completed. It successfully persuaded men's desire to consume and created a diamond market. De Beers widely promoted this slogan around the world, making diamonds a popular symbol, a symbol of eternity and vows. witness. By 1951, 80% of brides in the United States were wearing diamonds made by De Beers. This slogan, which has been recognized as the most classic and loudest for 80 years, connects hundreds of millions of consumers with an eternal promise, making diamonds still a sacred relic in the hearts of married men and women, proving that advertising slogans can have a significant impact on culture. .

DeBeers -Stand By Me Commercial- A Diamond Is Forever

How to write a popular "right" slogan Slogan?

According to the Journal of Business Research, a good company slogan conveys a clear message, is creative, and evokes familiarity with the brand. Here are five steps to help you write the "right" brand slogan:

1. Emphasize the essence of the brand

A correct slogan should not be a riddle. The slogan should not only be responsible for image building, but also have a direct product link. Brand interrogation can be used to gain insight into consumers' inner thoughts, find out corporate values, corporate beliefs, and unique selling propositions, and create The uniqueness that competitors cannot propose makes consumers psychologically feel the unique experience obtained by purchasing a product or service, thus generating purchase needs and actions. In a competitive market where commodities are becoming more and more homogeneous, we must also strive to find the unique selling points of commodities, seize the hearts of consumers, and maintain the essence of the brand.

You can start by making a list of the benefits of your product or service, write down words related to it, you can use the thesaurus to write down as many words as you can about your unique selling proposition (USP), and then condense it down when you’re done with the list to about ten. If possible, incorporate vocabulary into the design of the slogan.

2. Be creative

At this point you can start experimenting with the ordering of words and words, and come up with some new and creative ways to describe your Unique Selling Point (USP). Try adding some verbs to your list of keywords, verbs can visualize and make a difference. Good marketers create "want", arouse consumers' emotions (evokes an emotion), stimulate consumers' "want" psychology, and resonate with consumers.

3. Be concise

When a slogan appears in an advertisement, it plays a pivotal turning point and holds a place in the consumer's memory. A simple slogan is easy to catch and remember, so that people who see it can think of your brand. It is recommended that the slogan be no more than 10 words. The closer the number of words is, the less likely your customers will remember it. . A good slogan can express a million things in 5 words, and at the same time is attractive enough to give people a deep memory point (memory point), and have an impact.

4. Get feedback

Write down all kinds of potential slogans, go back to the next day, look at your list from a different angle, which slogan stands out to you? If that's a good catchphrase, you should know it right away. Pick the best one, show it to a friend or family member, ask for their feedback, what image does this slogan form in their minds? Unforgettable? Does it matter? If there is no reply, the tagline should be readjusted.

5. Make it Eternal

A good slogan can stand the test of time. Don't change a new slogan at will to quickly solve the problem of product sales, or as a temporary marketing activity. Successful marketing communication may require many years to implement the spirit of the brand slogan. All marketing appeals are aimed at accumulating brand equity and value. Marketing methods can be adjusted every year, but the essence of the brand cannot be changed. So when writing a slogan, you need to consider the eternity of future use, you have to keep up with the times, so mentioning technology and phrases like "unique" poses a risk. Finally, practicing the spirit of the brand slogan is the most important thing in brand management. Only the right slogan is not enough. If the slogan cannot be given its proper meaning, it can only be reduced to a slogan, and the public will not feel deeply about the slogan.

8 "Slogan Generators" to Help You Create Your Ideal "Brand Slogan"

Creating a good slogan for a company can be challenging at times, in fact, for most businesses, coming up with the ideal slogan takes a lot of time and effort. If you're trying to create a slogan or a marketing slogan for your company, here are 8 useful "slogan generators" that will keep you creative and create great "brand slogans" with less effort:

  1. Shopify Free Slogan Maker
  2. Procato
  3. Slogan Generator
  5. Free Slogan Generator
  6. The Advertising Slogan Generator
  7. BizCardCreator
  8. Logaster Slogan Generator

Summary: Classic English "brand slogan" and English nouns related to brand marketing

5 classic advertising slogans in English
  1. Just Do It does it right! —Nike (1988)
  2. Think Different - Apple (1997)
  3. Open Happiness - Coca-Cola (2009)
  4. Because You're Worth It—L'Oreal (1973)
  5. A Diamond is Forever A diamond is forever, one lasts forever - De Beers (1938)
5 Steps to Writing a "Right" Slogan

1. Emphasize brand essence

  • brand interrogation
  • consumer insight
  • corporate values
  • corporate beliefs
  • Unique Selling Proposition Unique Selling Proposition
  • brand essence

2. Be creative

  • evokes an emotion

3. Be concise

  • turning point key role
  • memory point

4. Get feedback

  • Feedback response, feedback

5. Make it Eternal

  • marketing communication
  • brand equity

The "Five Classic Brand Slogans" that are recognized as influential in the history of advertising introduced today, some are full of action, some evoke emotions, some are lighthearted, but all are short and powerful, creating a timeless charm that is difficult to replicate. In this competitive modern society, a great "brand tagline" is crucial, just like a logo, it is also part of your corporate identity, making it easy for consumers to remember your company. A good slogan can attract immediate attention, is a great opportunity to make a strong statement, and most importantly, communicate the values and spirit of the brand to customers. Through the 5 steps and principles of "writing a good slogan" introduced today, and 8 "slogan generators", you can also create a "right" slogan and enhance your brand influence!

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