ten years

How many decades are there in life?

In the Hong Kong TV series "Women and Heroes", Chai Jiu often said that "how many ten years can there be in life, the most important thing is to live happily...".

Ten years, a stage in life, a junction, turning around, in the blink of an eye, looking to the future, very few can be seen.

The first ten years of life, from quack landing to ignorant teenager. We are the children of our parents. We live and study under the care and arrangement of our relatives.

The second decade of life, from ignorant teenager to youthful rippling. We gradually moved away from the sight of our parents, and began to ignore our parents' advice. After the high school entrance examination and the college entrance examination, I began to learn to look at the society and the world. Young age, fiery passion.

The third ten years of life, from youthful waves to experienced tempering. We went from campus to society and became the parents of others, and learned that life is more about responsibility than just enjoyment. We are running around and working hard for life. When we are financially independent and have a stable life, we find that our youth seems to be gone, the crow's feet of the years gradually climbed up the corners of our eyes, and our children and children started their first ten years.

The fourth decade of life, from tempered to calm and mature. After the age of 30, our bodies are gradually aging, but our hearts are gradually maturing. In the face of changing circumstances, we have lost a lot of edges and corners, and gained a few more years of accumulation. At this time, we are no longer a simple and perishable drink, but a cup of tea, which is intriguing.

The fifth decade, the sixth decade...Although we have become mellow old wines, we are over half a hundred years old, and the sunset has become a loss after the moon, and a failure after the flowers bloom. Looking back, I found that there were so many regrets: if back then...

If that year, I wouldn't let the time go to waste like this? If that year, I would not give up easily? If I was back then, would I make my life more exciting?

Unfortunately, no if.

Eason Chan sang in the song: "Ten years ago ﹨ I don't know you, you don't belong to me ﹨ We are still with a stranger ﹨ Walking through the streets that are gradually familiar; 10 years later ﹨ We are friends ﹨ We can still greet you ﹨ Just That kind of tenderness can no longer find a reason to hug..."

In ten years, lovers became friends. In this world, what is there that will not be abandoned by time?

Life is just a few decades, and the most important thing is to live happily! What does it mean to be happy? I think, the main thing is to live an upright, lively and fragrant life!

"Flowers can be folded straight and must be folded, don't wait until there are no flowers and empty branches", how many times can you fight back in life! Opportunities come as short-lived as lightning. There are many things, as long as they are correct, we need to hurry up and do them. Jing Ruiyuan" was beyond remorse. On this road of life, many things have to be looked at. Like Chai Jiu, he is positive, optimistic, progressive, brave, and upright. Just because this road is still long, far, and bumpy, we can’t just because of the progress But that hurdle, and missed a long journey.

well! Another ten years have passed!


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