Kiva Story Box | Kindness will not make you rich, but it can help people out of poverty

Life Gleaners series, recording my belated love for my mother's dementia and disability, as well as all the memories worth recording in my life. Today, I will take you to see the Kiva story box, which is full of stories. If you don’t donate, you can still let the love in your heart travel around the world, and let the poorest people see a trace of light.
Image source: drawn by Stone Brother; the photos are every time I participate in a story

Kiva Story Box | Kindness will not make you rich, but it can help people out of poverty


Good day, my friend, I am Brother Stone - your career mentor . There is a very ironic but classic saying in the Korean drama "Parasite High": If you have money, you are kind, and if you have money, I will be kind too. In fact, I don’t fully agree. I prefer what Amazon CEO Bezos said: being smart is a talent, and kindness is a choice .
I once went to Xiaoqi and met a super rich CEO. His company was working in the Jucheng Shopping Center for a benefit event. I asked him if he would participate? He said he never went to the giant city, where the traffic jams are bad.... In my heart, OS... is the person who is picked up by the driver, and his time is not worth wasting here. Presumably his company's corporate social responsibility is paid for by making low-level employees pay for their time.
Well, how to spend time everyone has a ruler in their hearts, let’s put it aside, let’s talk about it today: you can do good deeds without spending money, you know?

【If you are a mother, show your children: there is a Kiva website full of stories】

When I was just a small assistant manager ten years ago, I was busy until seven or eight o'clock every day before leaving get off work. The responsibility system has made me wonder why I work so hard.... I remember being in a family One and a half bowls of braised pork rice in a small restaurant for dinner, and saw that Business Week happened to report that there was a man named "Yunus" in India who won the Nobel Peace Prize that year because he founded the "Grambank" to use micro-loans , stories of helping poor and disadvantaged Mumbai women improve their lives. So I also thought: I am so small, I can always do something, right?

Because of Business Week, because of his story, I set up a volunteer club and became an adopter, especially after reading the article on Mr. Li Yizhi's blog: Kiva Micro Fund 123, so I launched a $25 fund to participate in all parts of the world. A story of a destitute little entrepreneur trying to improve his life.

Image source: Brother Stone from the joy of being an adopter for the first time

Kiva, is a non-profit organization, you can find it at
See stories from all over the world working hard and struggling to the brink of abject poverty, each vetted.

[Let 25 dollars, infinite loop, you will not become rich, but you can be rich in heart]

Seeing the advertisement for donation, I wonder if you will be as curious as Brother Stone: I really want to know, is all the money I donated really used for those in need? It has been reviewed through the Kiva platform, and almost 100% of the amount borrowed from you to complete your dream will be returned to you, so you can recycle $25 infinitely to help more people.

Brother Shi, I don’t like to donate indiscriminately so much. I prefer to see the people I help grow. Therefore, apart from being an adopter to adopt a child from a disadvantaged family every month to sponsor her tuition, it is currently confirmed” Outside the "Green Light Seed Classroom" and the Kiva platform to help vulnerable people in extreme poverty countries get out of poverty with interest-free loans, see what assistance some small entrepreneurs in extreme poverty areas around the world need to improve their lives and education, and then lend him $25 to help He fulfilled his dream to improve his life.

[During the epidemic, I went to 18 countries, you can too: let love, travel around the world]

During the epidemic last year, you can see in the pictures that I went to 18 countries and participated in 48 inspirational stories, without losing a dollar. Although there is no me in the pictures, the warmth in my heart is like a mother's smiling eyes .

Image source: Stone brother from the Kiva website

1. Torika's story:
In the country of Fiji, a mother of four young children, she needs to borrow $925 to buy kava pounder (I don't know what to eat), some bags to hold these items for sale, and she promises to pay it back month by month Borrow you $25, but it will take 14 months, will you? In other words, for her, paying $66 a month is enough to live on; for you, it's one less cup of coffee a day.

2. Torwa's story:
In the country of Congo, a 28-year-old mother of 6 children, she has been selling fish for six years. She wants to borrow money to buy 150 fish to improve her life and raise her children, but she promises to spend Two years to pay off your $25, would you lend her? God, only pays you a little over $1 a month.

3. Mahk's story:
In the country of Jordan, a 20-year-old college student, he has two brothers and two sisters, he wants to borrow $725 to finish his school next semester, he promises that he will work part-time and spend 15 months repaying your 25 US dollar, the epidemic period may be delayed a little, are you still willing to help?

【in conclusion】

Practice every thought.
If you are already tired of the social news you see every day and always want to do something to change the world. To the Kiva platform
Read the stories of these people, then pick one that interests you, participate in his struggle stories, and help people in extreme poverty improve their lives together, and even help young students fulfill their dreams. Come on, help others at your fingertips, join us for $25, let the infinite loop of love help more people and change their lives!


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

石頭哥#傑出校友 #家扶認養人 #元智大學 #企業導師 #志工社長 #創作捐公益 /累積188,016元 #公益 #化讚賞為偏鄉弱勢孩童的光 #訴訟擔當 兒 聲昀律師 筑庭律師 #職場 | 職人引路,如風助翼 #靜心 | 覺察當下,滿室芬芳 #幸福 | 簡約生活,無心而為
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