SOLANA physical store

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News from

$SOL: There Is Now a Solana Experience Store in New York City

translate as follows

$SOL: NYC now has a Solana store​​

Siamak Masnavi

30 Jul 2022

On Thursday (July 28), Solana Spaces, formed with the help of the Solana Foundation, announced the "opening of the world's first permanent physical retail, education and community space dedicated to Web3" in New York City.

According to a press release from San Francisco-based Solana Spaces , it aims to build "a collection of retail spaces that provide an immersive educational experience for those interested in the Solana blockchain and web3 ." The Solana Foundation "funds and helps incubate "Solana Spaces NYC.

The founding team is "a group of retail designers and engineers who also founded b8ta, an innovative and award-winning electronics retailer."

The Solana Spaces website states that their store is where you can learn about Solana (and set up your Phantom wallet), learn about "DeFi, NFTs, games, and various Solana projects to get instant rewards" ( Orca can "teach you to trade and understand STEPN " , a money-making game built on Solana"), immerse yourself in their Solana blockchain visualizer and NFT gallery, learn about various other projects in the Solana ecosystem, and buy the latest Solana equipment.

Source: Solana Spaces^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1551224326376005633|twgr^bd9e7476b782036603a019d289c26f276acc33a7|twcon^s1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cryptoglobe. com%2Flatest%2F2022%2F07%2Fsol-there-is-now-a-solana-experience-store-in-new-york-city%2F

Solana Spaces CEO Vibhu Norby has this to say:

Solana has the most active and fastest growing developer ecosystem in Web3 today, in part due to its large number of daily active users. Even with that in mind, we’re not going to rest until everyone goes into space. Some of Solana’s top projects and creators have collaborated to design an open and accessible introduction to cryptography. It’s an experiment that we think many people will enjoy.

Brandon Millman, CEO and co-founder of Phantom, said:

" Solana Spaces is creating a truly immersive experience that helps people learn about Web3 in a fun and interactive way. Education and discovery is a completely different hands-on experience. We're excited to be Solana Spaces' Featured Wallet Partner and look forward to it More people are welcome to join the crypto ecosystem.

The press release also mentions that Solana Spaces "plans to launch a range of new products and to collaborate with frequently updated brands." For example, during the opening week, the location will "showcase limited-edition physical and digital shoes designed in collaboration with Blanksoles, and NETGEAR's Meural Digital Canvas will allow users to connect their Phantom wallets to project their own Solana NFTs to the showcase."

He went on to say that "all store items can be purchased by credit card," but customers who decide to use Solana Pay will "get deep discounts and special items like branded bags."^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1552832534114861056|twgr^7f48e85a89a303befefb85f8c70bb05143b84b08|twcon^s1_& 2F2022%2F07%2Fsol-there-is-now-a-solana-experience-store-in-new-york-city%2F

Solana Spaces NYC is located in New York City's " Hudson Yards " mall and is open "Monday-Saturday 10am-8pm, Sunday 10am-7pm"^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1552716804761571329|twgr^7f48e85a89a303befefb85f8c70bb05143b84b08|twcon^s1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cryptoglobe. com%2Flatest%2F2022%2F07%2Fsol-there-is-now-a-solana-experience-store-in-new-york-city%2F

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personal comment

In fact, this brick-and-mortar store has limited help in overall revenue, but the most important thing is to promote the experience in the stronghold of New York City with high spending power. These target customers have the strongest spending power, and the more these people pay, the more they will lead the way. The effect of sheep came out.

The earliest successful case of this type of experience store was SONY, which was later imitated by Apple, and Microsoft also learned from it.

Cryptocurrency must finally be integrated with daily life before it has its final value.

SOL will also launch a dedicated mobile phone next year, SAGA, which is generally not optimistic in the industry at present, because there is no special and irreplaceable function.

However, I personally think that the purpose of SOL is not to sell mobile phones, but to promote the medium of cryptocurrency transactions, so that future mobile phones will make encrypted wallets standard.

Experience is the best bridge between virtual and real worlds, and the follow-up development is worth observing.


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