Dapinglin|Li Furong Bistro|Chinese-style dreamy swaying, a restaurant with a blue sky. Ever tried eating braised pork rice while drinking bartender?

The luminous cup of wine and wine, there is no need to urge you to have another cup; Lord Grim in the drunken bar, and the sloth will eat it several times.
Restaurant Name: Li Furong Bistro
Business hours: (Sunday) Closed (Mon)~(Thursday) 18:30-00:45 (Friday), (Saturday) 18:30-02:00
Address: No. 76, Dafeng Road, Xindian District, New Taipei City (Dapinglin MRT Station, about 10 minutes walk from Exit 2)
Date of visit: 2022.08.29 (Mon) Evening consumption amount: Total $1386 for two persons (including 10% service charge)
Personal preference index: 4.2/5
Are you considering revisiting: Yes, the bartending is not big, but it is beautiful and special. The food portion is not large, but affordable. A great place to relax and chat with friends.
▲ 300 yuan for each person. An additional 10% service charge will be charged.

Without further ado, just open the box START! ! !

"Luminous cup of wine and wine, don't need to rush for another cup"

This wine! ! ! Although the amount is not large, this exaggerated, beautiful and stylish decoration really captures my girly heart. (If you like a bigger drink, push the A train bar series)

🦥Pray for Rain 300$ (Gin wine, ancient sour plum soup, perilla wine)

Pray for rain 300$

↑ A small shallow dish with a tan appearance, gently rippling.
Take my favorite sour plum soup and basil to bartend, and the thought of my cheeks is full of saliva, I must drink it.
It has a very refreshing and sour plum flavor, with the aroma of basil. After drinking it, you will feel a light and elegant fragrance on your lips and tongue, and the stamina of swallowing is slightly bitter with the bitterness of gin.

The only downside is...the cup is too small (heh), you really need to pray for rain, you need a little more water...water with alcohol?

🦥 Tan Ran Zhu Zi $300 (millet wine, red wine, purple wine)

Tan Ran Zhu Zi $300

↑This cup was ordered by my friend C, with a pink gradient and a tulle ribbon. This is not Dan Ran Zhu Zi, this is the heart of a girl favored by the emperor (listen to my nonsense).

When C ordered this cup, I also asked her: "Hey, can you mix so much wine in this cup (contempt)?"
C: "I want you to take care of it."

This glass of wine is sweet enough to be perfect, sweet enough to be as silly as love but not greasy (who would cry when they are in love?)
The taste of millet wine is outstanding but not stealing the show. It is matched with the bubbly feeling of Jeantoni. The whole drink is gentle and sweet . This cup is super invincible and delicious! A great wine to end a dessert with.

C ordered this cup to her, it can be said that she couldn't put it down.
"Hey!" I asked her, knocking on the table, "Isn't it true that we've been wandering around countless bars for so long, the base wine you've ordered... turned out to be millet wine?"

"Yeah?" We both said in unison.

"Drunken Bar Lord Grim, Sloth Eats Several Times"

Is it cool to eat braised pork rice at a bar/pub?

🦥Whiskey Braised Pork Rice 70RMB

↑The price of braised pork rice with whiskey can be raised by a notch (laughs).

Originally, I was worried that it would be very inconsistent and weird to eat (and I was worried that I would get drunk after eating it), but the cool thing is that when the braised pork and marinade are dressed up, you can clearly smell the whisky aroma, Oncoming .

In one bite, it is not the salty, sweet, salty and sweet taste of traditional braised pork rice, but a mixture of the slight bitterness and boldness of alcohol. The first bite is not very suitable, the second bite feels special, and the third bite ...Hey, why does it seem delicious?

Could it be... is this what it's like to be an adult?

🦥 Sour V Sour V flower branch circle 150 yuan

↑ When ordering, the waiter emphasized to us that this is not fried, but boiled with the store's special sauce.

Special sour sauce? It sounds very appetizing, C and I nodded like smashing garlic, point! Point!

This dish really lived up to our expectations. It was sour and sour, with a slight sweetness. It was very refreshing and appetizing.

🦥 Peeled pepper rolls cover 120 yuan

↑C indicates the main point.

"So, what is this dish? Rice bowl?" I asked her.
"I don't know, I just saw peeled peppers and I ordered them," she said.


The waiter explained that this is a spring roll skin with a peeled chili inside (I think it tastes spicy, for me who is afraid to come, probably at the upper limit of my acceptable range XD), bacon , peanut powder, coriander and alfalfa sprouts (if you don't like coriander, you can leave it out). It tastes spicy and spicy (really a bit spicy for me), salty, salty and sweet, and all kinds of flavors jump together, which is a very powerful and refreshing opening.

🦥 Jinsha squash must have cheese 120 yuan

↑This dish made me and C feel full of praise.

C said that he will definitely order this dish next time.
Refreshing and juicy roasted zucchini, served with salty Jinsha sauce, and a little alfalfa sprouts are embellished, making the taste refreshing again. This dish has both the unstoppable salty aroma, the slightly crispy bite of the cucumber, and the collision of juicy water. This dish is served with that whisky braised pork rice, and I think I am eating high-end but grounded The steam is hot (laughs).

🦥Crispy Fried Onion Rings 130RMB

↑It's a regular fried onion ring, the portion is medium, and the sauce is ketchup and yellow mustard at the same time.

Wine List and Menu

The cool thing about this bar is that the wine list and menu are all printed on the fan, very classical Chinese style.

wine list
wine list
Inside the store

The interior is a piece of blue water, like drinking wine, people soaked in the depths of the clear sea?

If you drink alcohol, you must write poems and write poems. After drinking a cup, the sloth couldn't help singing:

The luminous cup of wine and wine, there is no need to rush for another cup;
Drunk in the bar, Lord Grim, the sloth eats several times.

Clarification not useful here:
I don't drink a lot, I only order one at a time. I have finished this drink and ordered the next one.
I didn't eat many plates, we only ordered a few plates at a time. After we finished these few plates, there were many more plates.

※Other sloths have been eating, what they have eaten, welcome to follow the #sloths have been eating tags.
※The life of a sloth, lazily in the square grid , Matters and ruffian country .


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