what can you do to live

Life is a kind of training, training is to live the life you like

How many things have we done for life, how many lessons and trials have you absorbed.

In the past two years, the idea of starting a business has continued to emerge, and I want to improve myself, but also change my not enough aspects of things.
The same is true in life. It always begins when you make up your mind, and the trials and tribulations arise.
It was only at the end of last month that I seriously realized that my life is not for myself.
And this may have something to do with the family since childhood!!
The family is farming, so I know the bitterness at home.
Having done too much work at home, it also made me determined to make a good living.
But I didn't realize that every time I gave up, it was because I chose "family".

At the end of the month, the health of my family began to deteriorate, and I started to work for the family...
I didn't know I had rocks on my shoulders until my cat became a cherub.
And this weight was causing my own health to decline without realizing it.
My teacher couldn't take it anymore and told me it was time to clean up and take a good look at my life.
This kind of notification made me start to look back and see that my life was messed up.
Trapped in "home", but I don't know why I dare not move forward because of this difficulty.

With the support of the little angel, I began to face up to the life I wanted and started to operate slowly, and I also planned to really create my own products and what can we do for life!?
Maybe before there is more pressure, we can seriously think about how well we are


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

湛藍分享生活~分享快樂~分享感受~ 每日都被貓主們虐的慘慘~ 卻也因為他們珍惜每一天的快樂~
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