Selected Books for Professionals|The Mysterious Skills of Briefing - "Delete to Only Twenty Words"

Like papers, speeches and presentations have a set of templates and structures that can be applied. Once you understand this template, I believe that the presentations can help you feel like a duck to water, win applause and career transitions.
Image source: Stone brother from his own ReadMoo bookcase

Selected Books for Professionals|The Mysterious Skills of Briefing - "Delete to Only Twenty Words"

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Take you through reading, exchange ideas with the author, and internalize your insights!


Good day, my friend, I am Brother Stone - your career mentor . Suppose a heavyweight client suddenly comes to visit tomorrow, and you are assigned by your boss to introduce the company's history. How do you get started immediately and get the boss's praise?
Like this kind of sudden crisis, whether you have to face it bravely or give up is entirely up to you. This is also the main reason why your classmate who graduated from college for three years has double your monthly salary because he knows a set of briefings. Mysterious skills, successfully defuse the risk and turn it into a turning point for promotion.
That's right, Brother Stone will introduce you the mysterious skills of briefing today. I want to help introverted friends like me to win the praise of the boss through each briefing and get myself a raise and a knighthood.

♟ Recommended source: from ReadMoo;
♟Recommended books: "Only Twenty Words Left" , Author: Lipschutz Xinyuan Xiadai, Publisher: Economic News Agency ♟ Reading object: Dedicated to you who are introverted, so that you can win the boss through a series of briefings Praise, get yourself a raise and a knighthood.

【Three Mysterious Tips for Briefing】

Just like writing a paper, a presentation has a certain structure, and it can even be framed to achieve a foolproof and accurate presentation. Brother Stone is also an introverted engineer who is afraid of going on stage, facing customers, and facing the boss. He has walked all the way through Qingqing Elementary School, Junior High School, and Shuguang Girls' High School to give parents speeches at the graduation ceremony, and even went to Yuanzhi University, China University of Science and Technology, Mingxin He has given speeches at HKUST, Universal University of Science and Technology, Huafan University, Hsinchu High Business...
Therefore, I understand more about your worries and fears, and understand that speeches originally have a set of templates and structures that can be used directly.

Image credit: Stone brother from Pexels

Tip 1. How to sell refrigerators to Eskimos:
Whether the briefing is successful or not, the collation of intelligence information accounts for 70%, and only when the listener resonates and he is willing to take action, your speech is considered valuable.

Therefore, the first step is to be very clear that the listener only has these four questions, so you must understand:

✅1. Who are your listeners?
✅2. Why does he believe what you say?
✅3. What benefits can he get after listening to it?
✅4. Why are you speaking, not others?

When you know that what the listener wants is not just these conditions, then you only need to put on what Aristotle said: credibility, emotion, and logic, and it will be consistent with the three elements of persuading the listener.

Example: How to sell refrigerators to Eskimos?
With this refrigerator, you can stay in the warm home all the time without having to run outside to get the ingredients all the time.
With this refrigerator, it's as if your ingredients are at your side, giving you more time to spend with your family.
This refrigerator is very suitable for defrosting meat, and the beef thawed through it is particularly delicious.

This kind of statement is to stand in the listener's perspective to bring out the "dream blueprint" that the listener expects.

🍁Click me and the link will be: "Admiration, a light for disadvantaged children in remote villages", a cup of coffee to support Brother Stone!

Image source: Stone brother from his own ReadMoo bookcase

Skill 2. What message should be conveyed in the end:

Your presentation must adjust the touching story according to different listeners, and take the touching story as the main discussion, and refer to the delivery of a "single major message", in order to be moved with emotion and reasoned, so that the listeners are willing to take action action. So the problem solving pyramid: Why, What, How happens to be a great tool.

✅1. Why? What is your motivation for delivering the message?
✅2. What? What message to send?
✅3. How? How to deliver the message?

When you are sure that the discussion is so, and you are worried about missing something, you can match it with So What? (So the conclusion is?), Why So? (Why do you say that?) Two techniques to confirm whether your logic is broken.

Image credit: Stone brother from Pexels

Tip 3: How to Catch the Heart of the Listener:

When you are very clear about who the listeners are, what message do you want to deliver, and then you have to draw up an opening statement that attracts the attention of the listeners, then organize the intelligence information into a story, and divide the story into three acts to unfold, then your The whole speech can be said to be climax after another, fascinating. The Titanic case is a breathless plot, and the climaxes are the most immersive for the audience.

✅Act 1: Characters appear and set the background story.
✅Act 2: Create a crisis, and finally save it from danger;
✅Act 3: After the danger was saved, another new situation came.

After the Titanic brought out the characters in the first act, it hit an iceberg and sank, alternating back and forth in the second and third acts, and even used a strong contrast to deepen the tension of the audience. For example, after hitting an iceberg, when the boiler room continued to be flooded and emergency rescue was carried out, the people on the floor sang and danced gracefully; the protagonist Jack was handcuffed and handcuffed in the room, the water on the floor had flooded his nostrils, and the captain still I didn't take it seriously, and I didn't take a decisive action... This is all through the strong contrast effect created, which caused the audience's emotions to flow with the plot.

【in conclusion】

You are the CEO of your career . Speeches and briefings actually have a mysterious structure. The author of "Deleted Only Twenty Words" was fortunate to meet Mentor's guidance when he was young, so that the Japanese living in New York could rely on this set Mystic Skills has made her lifelong career as a speech coach, strategist, professional speaker...  I believe that this book, "Only Twenty Words Left", is on your desk, and you can use it immediately when you need it. It should be able to help you handle the reports you are worried about, make use of your strength, and win a good opportunity for career advancement. Oh.

🔥Follow up, Brother Stone, take you to the workplace and live a happy life!

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